VR/AR Resources

Campus Contact: Digital Learning Coach

Virtual reality headsets have become a popular choice in immersive education.  Some headsets can be paired with a SmartPhone while others run apps off a connected computer or from the headset itself.

Some VR apps allow the student to "move" around while others only allow for them to see a 360o view of the area.  VR apps are great for virtual field trips or otherwise allowing students to explore places and things they wouldn't normally be able to explore in the classroom.

AR vs VR

AR (Augmented Reality) adds to what you see in the world around you. It superimposes a computer-generated image on a user's view of the real world, thus providing a composite view. 

Image by zedinteractive from Pixabay  

VR (Virtual Reality) makes the user feel like they are in a totally different location. It immerses users in a computer generated reality. (Note: VR can make some users motion sick.)

Image by Achin bm from Pixabay 

AR & VR Resources