Course Information

Math 9R Name

September, 2018

Honors Geometry Course Information

We'll start with the easy "stuff" Your teacher (me) Ms. Raymond

We do NOT have math on “D” days L .

Tests and Quizzes will be announced well in advance. Topic coverage will be made clear with a handout, and ample class review time will be scheduled.

Please bring the following to class every day:

Paper, Pencil(s), & Eraser(s)

Math book (I don’t draw well – this is a major theme of the course. . . . . so

it will be to your advantage to have the textbook with more accurately

and well-drawn diagrams.)

Spiral notebook in which to take class notes

Postulate/Theorem List

this may be in a notebook OR on the computer/printed out

it can be used as a resource on tests

more information on page 3

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Information about Homework

Please complete all assignments in PENCIL on lined paper. (Assignments or corrections not written in pencil will be returned to you for resubmission in pencil.)

• Please make your work neat, organized, and legible. Work that is not of a suitable standard will be returned to you for resubmission.

• Please show your work clearly. Work down (NOT across). Please do not crowd your work.

• Please label every assignment with your NAME, the DATE, and the ASSIGNMENT NUMBER.

• You are strongly advised to label homework problems with appropriate text page numbers so that you can find problems again for corrections.

• Assume that every assignment will be collected and graded (most will).

Every graded assignment can be corrected and resubmitted for an improved grade. Do NOT erase original work, but re-do appropriate parts of the problem separately where there is adequate space to do so neatly. If you do corrections on a separate page, please attach the original assignment in order for additional credit to be granted.

Assignments may be REsubmitted up to TWO times if necessary. (For a total of three submissions.) Please make a genuine effort to correct all errors on assignments and do so promptly.

Timliness of first-time (initial) corrections: Keep in mind that the purpose of resubmission is for you to learn something that you might not have grasped the first time and for you to show that you do understand the material. You should do the problems while they are still fresh in your mind. Waiting too long defeats the educational purpose.

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Information about Notes and Organization

• You need a spiral notebook for math notes ONLY. Please keep your math notes in this same notebook for the entire year. Please do not use paper from this notebook for homework or you will run out of paper for notes.

· You will also be asked to keep a written list of postulates, theorems, and key vocabulary. You may do this in a notebook or on a computer document. This list will be useful as a reference for studying AND it will be a reference during chapter tests as well as the final exam. In addition, I will review your list at the end of each chapter (after the test) and give feedback as well as a grade.

The day after a test is the last opportunity to re-submit assignments from that chapter. It is suggested that you “clear” your folder at this point, moving worksheets, review sheets, and other materials to your hanging folder in the classroom (see below).

• After I have graded tests and extra credit, regraded assignments, and evaluated postulate and theorem lists, you will receive an overall unit grade, which will be a combination of your homework average and your test grade.

• A hanging folder is provided in the room for each student to store completed homework sets, worksheets, review sheets, and tests. Each of you has a yellow folder. Though they are stored in the room in shared file boxes, each folder is considered private property. No student should ever look at materials in another student's folder.

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Academic Honesty

• It is expected that all work submitted will be your own.

You may ask for homework help from Ms. R., classmates, or other teachers. You may also check homework answers with other students or work together on homework problems. You may NOT, under any circumstances, COPY another student's work either for an original assignment or for corrections.

• At times, Take Home Extra Credit may be given. Expectations for this are different than the guidelines given above for homework. In these cases, a student may NOT ask for help or discuss problems with other students or teachers. An Honor Code for Take Home Extra Credit will be provided, in written form, with any such extra credit. Each student will be expected to sign indicating that they have followed the guidelines in good faith.

Math 9R Course Info page 5

Just in Case

• There are two spare textbooks on the shelves above the refrigerator for use in the rare instance that you forgot to bring your own book. Borrow one if you need to do so, but please return it at the end of the period.

• There is also a bin of lined notebook paper and a cup of loaner writing implements in the corner of the classroom closest to Ms. R’s desk. Feel free to “borrow” if you are in need. However, if you make a habit of not bringing appropriate materials to class, expect to have a conversation with me, which may be followed by my communicating with your parents.

• It is your responsibility to take care of your book. One book is assigned to you, and your name is written in it in permanent marker. You will sign a sheet stating its current condition. If the book is lost or significantly damaged, you (your parents) will be charged.

If you lose/misplace your book, please let me know so that I can provide you a loaner until your book is found. You NEED a textbook to keep up with class!!!

• Every attempt is made to provide planners with clear information about class plans and homework assignments, due dates, and reminders. If changes are necessary, they will be announced in class and/or a new planner will be distributed. I will do my best to post any changes promptly on my webpage.

In the event that you lose your planner, check my webpage on the Foote School Website.

In the event that you miss class, it is your responsibility to check with a classmate for any changes to the planner or to get assignment information from a reliable source. Of course, if you do not understand material you have missed, I will work with you when you return. I also understand that when you are ill, you may not be able to do work. I do assume, though, that you will act in good faith to complete all work in a timely fashion.