
É Professor, com doutorado em Física pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba. Professor efetivo pela Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Mato Grosso (SEDUC/MT). Professor, doctor in Physics at the University Federal da Paraíba, professor effective by tender by Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Mato Grosso (SEDUC/MT).

Pesquisas de Interesse / Research Interests

1 - Physics of Biological Systems

Estudamos a Física das interações em sistemas constituídos de organismos vivos. Focamos sobre as transições comportamentais observadas em populações de animais que exibem movimento coletivo, através de técnicas de simulação computacional...

We study the physics of the interactions of living organisms systems. We focus on behavioral transitions observed in animal populations that exhibit collective movement, using computer simulation techniques. Collective behaviour has attracted the interest of scientists from various areas. Particularly, pattern formation in groups of animals in motion, such as flocks of birds, schools of fish and herds of animals, is a subject of interest of biologists as well as physicists. Physicists usually focus on the dynamical aspects of the appearance and maintenance of collective behavior. The origin of these swarms may be an external stimulus or, more interestingly, a consequence of the local interaction among neighbours. Theoretically, the later option has been studied assuming each member of the swarm to be a self-propelled particle interacting with other particles moving around it.

2 - Statistical physics of magnetic systems

Estudamos as propriedades magnéticas de sistemas aleatórios, incluindo modelo de Ising de spins mistos, com interações de troca entre um spin e seus vizinhos mais próximos na rede quadrada através de simulações de Monte Carlo...

We study the magnetic properties of random systems, including diluted and binary site substitutionally disordered Ising models,  with only nearest-neighbor spin exchange interactions  on the square lattice through Monte Carlo simulations. The system consists of two different particles with spins randomly distributed on the lattice, representing a magnetic binary alloy, which is suddenly frozen from high temperatures (liquid state)to low temperatures (solid state).

3 - Information and Communication Technology in Learning and Teaching

Investigamos os vários papéis da tecnologia da informação e comunicação na aprendizagem e no ensino básico...

We investigate the various roles of information and communication technology  in learning and teaching, since computer technologies have changed the ways people live, work,, and learn, impacting the construction of knowledge.

Formação Acadêmica / Academic Formation

Graduação em Licenciatura em Fisica - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (1999-2003), UFMT, Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brasil 

Especialização em Fisica - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (2003-2005)

Mestrado em Fisica - Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso (2005-2007)

Doutorado em Fisica - Universidade Federal da Paraiba (2007-2011), João Pessoa, Paraiba, Brasil

Currículo Lattes: Lattes

Descrição dos artigos publicados / Brief description of the papers

In self-propelled particle models, the interactions are generally subject to some type of noise, which is introduced either during or after the interactions between the particles. Here, self-propelled particles are subject to two different types of noise.  
In this paper we investigated only the milling pattern. Of particular interest to us is to analyze its dependence on the density and on the number of particles. We found that the milling formation depends of these two physical quantities.
Our aim in this paper is to investigate the kinetic phase transition in the collective motion of self-propelled particles by studying and discussing the impact of the initial velocity  and the repulsive interaction on the dynamical system.
We consider a system of self-propelled particles with attractive interactions in two dimensions. The model presents an order–disorder transition with the speed playing the role of the control parameter. In order to characterize the transition, we investigate the behavior of the order parameter and the Binder cumulant as a function of the  speed. Our main finding is that the transition can be either continuous or discontinuous depending on two parameter of the model: the strength of the noise and the radius of attraction.
In this work, we study some states of collective behavior observed in groups of animals. We consider an agent-based model with biologically motivated behavioral rules where the speed is treated as an independent stochastic variable, and the motion direction is adjusted in accord with alignment and attractive interactions. Four types of collective behavior have been observed: disordered motion, collective rotation, coherent collective motion, and formation flight. We investigate the case when transitions between collective states depend on both the speed and the attraction between individuals. 
we used a self-propelled particle model to study the transition between phases of collective behavior observed in animal aggregates. In these systems, transitions occur when individuals shift from one collective state to another. We investigated transitions induced by both the speed and the noise. Statistical quantities that characterize the phase transition driven by noise, such as order parameter, the Binder cumulant and the susceptibility were analyzed, and we used the finite-size scaling theory to estimate the critical exponent ratios
We have considered a generalized version of a model consisting of self-propelled particles, where the speed is treated as an independent stochastic variable described by a Gamma-distribution, and the motion direction is adjusted in according to two behavioral rules: repulsion and orientation. We used the finite-size scaling theory to estimate the static critical exponents β , γ and ν as a function of the density ρ . We have obtained different values of the critical exponents for different values of the density ρ . 
Our main goal is to present a detailed numerical study on the effect of the zone of attraction on the kinetic phase transition of our system. In our study, the consideration of this zone seems to play an important role in the cohesion. Consequently, in the directional orientation, the zone that we added forms the compact particle group. In our simulation, we show clearly that the model proposed here can produce two collective behavior patterns: torus and dynamic parallel group. 
The purpose of this paper is the study of the universality of the critical exponents detected in the Viscek model, under the effect of three zones (repulsion zone, orientation zone and attraction zone). Our aims are to understand more the behavior of non-equilibrium multi-agent system by extending the simple model proposed by Viscek et al. earlier for one zone. In our study, the particles corresponding to agents interact with their neighbors, by choosing at each time step a velocity v depending on their direction and perturbed by an external noise....
In this work, we have estimated, using finite-size scaling arguments, the critical exponents β , γ and ν of the original Vicsek model as a function of parameters important to the model, such as the orientation radius size, density, and velocity modulus. Our results show that the critical exponents depend greatly on these parameters.
In this work, we present a study of the effects of two types of noise (extrinsic and intrinsic)  on the directional order of self-propelled particles. Our numerical investigations show that the directional alignment degree is strongly influenced by the way in which one introduces the noise.
In this paper, we have considered a variant of the Vicsek model by adding a second rule called repulsion zone, where particles repel each other at short distances, in order to investigate the influence of this zone on directional order of the particles.
A disordered binary Ising model, with only nearest-neighbor spin exchange interactions J > 0 on the square lattice, is studied through Monte Carlo simulations. The system consists of two different particles with spin-1/2 and spin-1, randomly distributed on the lattice. We found the critical temperatures for several values of the concentration x of spin-1/2 particles, and also the corresponding critical. exponents.
In this work, we model the collective movement of a school of fish using an agent-based model which follows biologically motivated behavioural rules previously proposed. The distributions of nearest neighbour distance and relative orientations between neighbouring fishes are measured and the results are found to be in good agreement with previous experimental measurements.

Local de trabalho/Place of work

Institution #1

Secretaria de Estado de Educação de Mato Grosso SEDUC/MT

Escola Estadual Nagib Saad

Agrovila das Palmeiras, Santo Antônio de Leverger, Mato Grosso, Brazil 

phone number: --


Email: dcambui@fisica.ufmt.br