Learners Together

The culture of our classroom is one where the students share the responsibility for their education and may not inhibit the learning of others.


Please take note of the following classroom expectations that usually don't present a problem, but it is important to understand them so we can all learn together successfully.

1. Be respectful of everyone and everything in the classroom. We share our room with over 150 students a day.

2. Be responsible. Late work hurts your learning and subsequently your grade. Late work will be accepted when you spend time before/after school completing it with Mrs. Wallace.

3. Be ready to learn. Arrive to class on time and with your required materials.

4. Be reaching. You have unfulfilled potential and the goal for you and me is your growth.

5. Electronics will be used in the classroom for educational purposes only. Please make sure you are in the moment! Follow directions regarding the use of electronic devices. We will follow the handbook for electronic device usage and abuses of the privilege will follow the cell phone usage policy.

Remember to take the challenge of coming to my class intending to learn. I intend to give you my best and will expect you to do the same.

"The book to read is not the one which thinks for you, but the one which makes you think."

Harper Lee

  • In order to learn, brain research shows you need to get plenty of rest. You need the REM stages of sleep to move what you have learned into long term memory- You can only keep so much on the short term memory plate. Seven to eight hours is ideal for a teen.Eat healthy- Eat fruit before your tests. They are a good source of glucose which feeds the brain.
  • Drink water- keeping your lungs moist allows the oxygen to flow into your body and BRAIN.
  • Exercise- it relieves stress and gets the oxygen flowing through your body.
  • Stretch your back and shoulders to keeps them loose. You don't want to get "tech neck."
  • Bring a water bottle to class to help you stay hydrated.