Mrs. Valerie Levin

Name: Valerie Levin

Birthday: January 16

Favorite foods: Indian food, Thai food, Cava bowls, pizza, etc.

Favorite restaurants, coffee shops, etc.: Cava Mezze, Ledo's, Chipotle, Starbucks ...

Favorite snacks: trail mix, dried mango, dark chocolate

Favorite desserts: I love anything with chocolate!

Favorite beverages: Frappuccinos, coffee, tea of all kinds

Hobbies: gardening, walking, reading, watching movies

Favorite sports/activities: Favorite activities - going to musicals or plays, going to movies, walking

Favorite sports team: None

Favorite color: Green and yellow

Favorite flower: sunflowers, lilies, and roses

Favorite place(s) to receive gift cards: Amazon, Teachers Pay Teachers, Starbucks

Things I always need: Thin Black Expo Markers, Kleenex

Favorite places to buy books: Amazon

Favorite places to buy school/office supplies: Amazon

Other things I love: My family and my three dogs