Our Teacher and Educators in the classroom are Mrs Mack, Mrs Amenla and Mrs Trish

Contact information:

email - jmack@ewrsd.k12.nj.us

remind app - Mrs Mack

While we strive to meet your students academic needs and skills we also use strategies of Applied Behavior Analysis in our classroom to help our students individually and in group settings.

What your child will need daily:

Our Schedule:

8:40-8:50 - Arrival

8:50-9:00 - Unpack/Morning work

9:00-9:15 - Morning Meeting

9:15-9:40 - ADLs and Social Skills

9:40-9:45 - Movement/Brain Break

9:45-10:00 - Read Aloud

10:00-10:30 - Fine Motor and Writing

10:30-10:55 - Literacy and Reading

11:00 - 11:40 - Fine Arts

11:45-12:15 - Lunch

12:15-12:45 - Recess

12:45-1:15 - Sensory/Book Activity

1:15-1:30 - Afternoon Group

1:30-2:00 - Snack

2:00-2:15 - Movement/Brain Break

2:15-2:45 - Math

2:45-3:15 - Cooperative Play

3:15 - Dismissal

Fine Arts Schedule:

Day 1 - STEM with Mrs Vomacka

Day 2 - Art with Mrs Tazlar

Day 3 - Gym with Mr Hemmings (Please wear or provide sneakers)

Day 4 - Technology with Mrs Susinski

Day 5 - Music with Ms Grois

Day 6 - Gym with Mr Hemmings (Please wear or provide sneakers

On Day 1 we will also rotate between Library with Ms Halat and World Language with Mrs Minnick from 10:20-10:50