Dismissal/Sick Procedures

 Dismissal Procedure

For the safety of your child, please send a note if there is a change in the dismissal plan. Please send the note to school in the Take Home Folder.  This folder is checked every day.  Please do NOT rely on emails for changes in your child's dismissal.  If it is necessary, you may call the McKnight School main office, and they will alert me of any necessary change.  

Absentee/Sick Day Procedure

If your child is sick, please follow the following guidelines to help promote a healthy, germ-free environment for ALL of the students and teachers in our classroom!

1.  Please use good judgement about your child's health because they learn more when they feel good!  It is our District Policy, that children may not attend school unless they are FEVER FREE for 24 hours WITHOUT medication.

2. If your child will be absent due to sickness or any other reason, please call McKnight 's absentee line.   Sending me an email to let me know about your child is always good too!