
Please make sure that you provide your child with a homework friendly area!  This should be a place that is free of distractions and organized to help support learning and thinking!  Homework is an important task for students as it not only reinforces concepts and learning taught in the classroom, but it also teaches children to gain responsibility and independence, setting them up for success as they advance to older grades and throughout the rest of their academic career. 

Homework should be completed independently, but help and guidance can be offered if absolutely necessary. I will check students' homework, but I also encourage you to look over your child's work at home as well. 

The homework assigned should not be a struggling time for you or your child. If you are finding that a particular assignment is too difficult for your child, please send me either a quick email or a note to inform me of your child's trouble. I will gladly work with your child one-on-one that following school day.

Homework will start in October. 

Your child's homework folder will be sent home every Monday and should be returned to school every Friday with the completed homework assigned for that week. The schedule of homework will be the same each week, (please see below), however the work content will vary.








RAZ Kids