STEM - Mrs. Vomacka

My name is Mrs. Vomacka and I am the STEM teacher at EMK. I was a 6th grade homeroom and science teacher for six years in Hawaii and moved to New Jersey a few years ago. This will be my seventh year teaching in the East Windsor district, having taught Technology at WCB and STEM at both WCB and EMK.  If you have any questions, I can be contacted at


Goals for K-2 STEM Education

Students will…


K-2 students will use the Engineering Design Process (EDP) throughout the school year. Students will try to solve various problems by coming up with creative solutions, drawing up a plan, sticking to that plan and building a prototype/model, testing, fixing, and cycling through the EDP until they are successful.

This class is CHALLENGING!!! We will be working on building a strong "growth mindset" so that our students learn to persevere through mistakes or failed attempts, reflect, redesign, and continue to progress and discover new things. After all, we are engineers. If something isn't working, we FIX IT. ;)