A HUGE thanks to Interbel for a substantial grant to update and upgrade our telecommunications equipment! Their generosity will allow us to acquire a new modem, laptop, and high-speed internet service so that our Facility Director, faculty, and students can benefit from the best technology can offer. Thank you!

We've had a "wobbly" fan in Studio B for quite some time. While not dangerous, it has nevertheless been disconcerting to class participants. Thanks to a couple of skillful Board members and Lowe's in Kalispell, we now have a new fan, and it doesn't wobble. Thank you!

Several students in Marlane's ballet class volunteered to write and post their experiences with ballet on the ballet poster in the CAC lobby. The notes are heartfelt. Thank you!

A very thoughtful donor noticed the plight of a couple of ballet dancers in Marlane Cook's ballet class. She sent the CAC a check to cover the costs. Her generosity has made ballet possible for THREE young people. Thank you!

The Tobacco Valley Community Foundation gave the CAC a generous grant to build and install and Free Library on our site. We hired Mo Henderson to do the job, and he made us proud! Thank you, everyone!

Two long-time CAC supporters recently erected scaffolding in Studio B, exchanged spent fluorescent bulbs for new LEDs, and inspected and tightened our "wobbly" fan. Thank you Carlos Florey and Jeff Witbrod (Sherman Creek Log Works)!