German-English Bilingual Program

German-English Bilingual Program

This program is a partial immersion program, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, where in elementary school 50% of the curriculum is taught in German and 50% in English. Students are taught the same curriculum as others in the same grade level.

The goal of the German Bilingual Program is to have students who are functionally fluent in German as well as in English and to develop an appreciation of the language and culture of German-speaking countries. The German Bilingual Program prepares students to pursue post-secondary education in German.

Frequently Asked Questions About the German Bilingual Program-A Guide for Parents

The following schools offer the German-English Bilingual Program:

Forest Heights (K-6)

Rideau Park (K-6)

Rio Terrace (K-6)

Allendale (Junior High)

Strathcona (High School)

For further information regarding German language programs, contact IISLE at