Welcome  ! 🙂

January 5, 2025 

4th Grade: We will be working on our reading logs in school for a bit to strengthen the skill of writing about what we read. 

Science -- an assessment is being given on Friday - January 10. This will cover our beginning lessons on the solar system. 

5th Grade: We will be working on our reading logs in school for a bit to strengthen the skill of writing what we read. We are going to start the beginning steps for our research report on an invasive species. 

6th Grade: Mythology quiz on Friday. 

Starting the novel The Lightning Thief on Monday. 

General Information: Charge chromebooks. 

Dress appropriately for the cold weather....brrr.....

October 30, 2024

4th Grade: Continue to review nouns. Students are doing a great job finishing their personal narratives. 

5th Grade: Work on memorizing your conversions for inches, feet, yards. 

6th Grade: Vocabulary Quiz 1 on Wildfire this Monday. 

Continue to review basic facts in the 4 operations. 

General Information: No school for Students - November 5

No School - Schools Closed -- November 7 and 8 

October 25, 2024

Halloween is on Thursday - Students can dress up in costume. Please refer to Mrs. Espinoza's note regarding this. 

Conferences are approaching in November - further information to come. 

Reminder - No metal water bottles. 

October 3, 2024

Picture Day is Tuesday - October 8 - for all grades. 

Book Fair is Wednesday and Thursday. Look for information via email and/or your child's backpack for when your child will visit the book fair. 📚

6th Grade: Unit 1 Math Assessment will be next Wednesday. 

October 1, 2024 

4th Grade: Students are continuing their studying of rounding to the nearest ten and nearest hundred. Students are adding two digit numbers without regrouping and subtracting two digit numbers without borrowing. Regrouping and borrowing will be taught in the upcoming days. Students reviewed place value. In language arts, students had a discussion about possible topics for their personal narrative writing, and continue to read Because of Winn-Dixie. 

5th Grade: We are reading the historical fiction novel from the I Survived series about the San Francisico Earthquake in 1906. Students are reviewing nouns. 

6th Grade: Unit 1 Math Assessment will be next Wednesday. We are continuing with our study of short stories and completing Story Plot Pyramids. Students reviewed the 4 types of sentences.

General Information: Book Fair and Picture Day are next week. 

Schools closed this Thursday and Friday in observance of Rosh Hashana. 

September 23, 2024 

4th Grade: We have started the novel, Because of Winn-Dixie. Students are also getting ready to work on autumn writing assignments. Students are continuing to work on place value concepts in math. 

5th Grade: The students are learning the "stop & jot" method for taking notes when reading. They will be using this strategy with the book, Each Kindness.  Last week, they read the book, The Couch Potato and used this short story to analyze the problem and solution. In math, the students have been studying area and took a look at volume at the end of last week. 

6th Grade: Students have started their unit on story elements and how they relate to short stories. Last week they filled in a story pyramid on the short story, A Fresh Start. In math, they continue to work on finding the least common multiples of numbers and the greatest common factor. In Cross-Curricular - students are working on reinforcement of math skills, in addition to the executive functions. They took a closer look at planning and organization. Students are working on a project to assist them with developing these skills where they are creating their own land. 

General Information: This Wednesday is a one - session day for students with a 12:50 dismissal time. 

Students should be finishing and submitting any homework that is required to be completed online by 9:30 pm unless another due date is specified in the directions... this due time is hopefully helpful for those students who have sports obligations. 

September 12, 2024

4th Grade: Students should bring in an independent reading book by Monday. 

Gym is on Thursdays so appropriate shoes should be worn. 

5th Grade: Students should bring in an independent reading book by Monday. 

6th Grade: Students need to bring in their independent reading novel on Monday. 

General Information: All students must charge their chromebooks each day - including on weekends. 

Water bottles should be clear as per Mrs. Espinoza's email during the first week of school. 

Once students are assessed on a skill, that skill can appear on any future assessment, homework assignment, worksheet, etc. without any prior notice to check student's recall of information. 

September 8, 2024 

4th Grade: Students will join Google Classroom this week for my math class and my language arts class. 

5th Grade: 

6th Grade: 

General Information: All students must charge their chromebooks each day - including on weekends. 

September 4, 2024

August 30, 2024

                              Welcome to Miss Gordon's Classroom! 

General Reminders and General Information will be posted on this site in addition to Google Classroom pages. You will be joining Google Classroom within the first few days of school. 

You can bring a water bottle with you to keep at your desk. 💦

If you have any questions, please send me an email. 

Looking forward to September ! 😀

Hoping all students are reading over the summer! 

📚 In case your child needs a book suggestion, here are some titles: