
Click the above banner to go to the Distance Learning Art Site.

Aloha ke welina!

The Arts are such an important subject for a growing mind to have, as they help us with problem solving and making connections in everyday life through complex studies of our natural surroundings, as well as building confidence in everyday decision making.

We all know how important it is to make mistakes because they are the building blocks for our natural instinct and survival skills. The Arts are a wonderful way to problem solve in a controlled environment so as to reduce the over all concern of failure in general society, and increases the willingness of individuals to figure out a method that works in any given situation, and most importantly, it helps to keep us moving forward with a positive impact on ones self, and forms through hard work an appreciation of our life struggles that we over come.

"The Arts" site features student work(s)/projects, a gallery of Arts as well as any other miscellaneous works that help to enrich the learning of our students at Enchanted Lake Elementary.