國立中正大學 電機工程系 電磁晶片組
無線通訊實驗室 Wireless Communication Lab. (Lab543)
歡迎光臨國立中正大學電機工程系無線通訊實驗室, 本實驗室是由張盛富教授於1994 年設立, 直至張嘉展教授( 2004年2月) , 吳建華教授 (2015年8月), 林士程教授(2020年2月) 陸續加入此團隊後, 目前團隊成員已包含四位指導教授, 七位博班生, 35位碩班生. 主要研究方向包含電磁理論, 微波及毫米波電路及晶片設計, 天線及陣列波束合成技術,以及各種雷達相關應用系統.
The Wireless Communication Laboratory (WCL) was founded at the Electrical Engineering Department of National Chung-Cheng University by Professor Sheng-Fuh Chang in 1994 affiliated with the Center for Telecommunication Research. Prof. Chia-Chan Chang joined the lab. in Feb. 2004, Prof. Janne-Wha Wu joined the lab. in Aug. 2015 and Prof. Shih-Cheng Lin joined the lab. in Feb., 2020. Til now, the WCL has grown to four faculty members, and several dozen graduate students. Through the years, the WC laboratory has been a driving force in developing both theoretical and experimental work as well as in educating tomorrow's RF designers. Our research activities cover a very wide range including electromagnetic theory, microwave and millimeter wave circuits, MMICs, antennas, array beamforming, and radar-related applications. Since WCL group members have branched out with different areas of experise, we are now becoming involved in research into such fields as medical sensing and wireless positioning.
This website is intended to inform the microwave and electromagnetics community about our research interests & capabilities. Hopefully, it will provide a forum for increasing future interactions.
近期學術活動 Recent Academic Events:
2022 張嘉展教授獲邀於2022電磁聯盟傑出講座出,演講主題"精彩的跨界演藝-生醫雷達之應用"、動靜之間-可重置微波電路的另類思維"
近期實驗室得獎訊息 Recent Group News:
陳佑誠、徐偉倫、鄭國宏 , 參加 2024 Asia-pacific microwave conference , 榮獲 "Best Student Paper Award"
張嘉展教授榮獲2024 中正大學傑出研究獎
張盛富教授榮獲2023 中正大學研究傑出特聘教授
張嘉展教授榮獲2023 IEET教學傑出獎
張盛富榮獲111 年度國科會傑出研究獎
張盛富、張嘉展、林士程、劉立頌、林元駿、徐偉倫、陳佑誠 ,榮獲"2023未來科技獎"
張盛富、張嘉展、林士程、劉立頌、吳建華、林元駿、鄭國宏 、徐偉倫、陳佑誠、王培驊、史庭豪、羅詩凱、鄭承浩、黃健瑞、侯俊仁、陳世璁 ,榮獲"2022未來科技獎"
張盛富、張嘉展、林士程、林元駿、徐偉倫、陳佑誠、林昱豪、王培驊,2021通訊大賽「聯網未來挑戰賽」: "第三名"
賴俊諺,獲得 "2021 IEEE International Symposium on Radio-Frequency Integration Technology (RFIT 2021)-Best Paper Award"
賀!!呂佩諭、林彥廷、陳柏諺、張仲皓,榮獲十九屆旺宏金矽獎應用組: "評審團銅獎"
賀!! 楊智宇、徐國越(大學部)(張盛富老師,張嘉展老師,吳建華老師指導),獲得2019 IMS 學生設計競賽第一名 (1st prize in 2019 IMS Student Design Competition)
賀!! 黃春美、楊智宇(張盛富老師,張嘉展老師,吳建華老師指導),獲得2019 IMS 學生設計競賽第三名 (3rd prize in 2019 IMS Student Design Competition)
賀!! 李易典、蘇政維(張盛富老師,張嘉展老師,吳建華老師指導),獲得2019 IMS 學生設計競賽第三名 (3rd prize in 2019 IMS Student Design Competition)
賀!! 劉家瑜(張盛富老師指導),獲得中國電機工程學會107年青年論文獎
賀!! 賴俊諺、林元駿(張盛富老師,張嘉展老師,吳建華老師指導),獲得2018 IMS 學生設計競賽
第一名 (1st prize in 2018 IMS Student Design Competition)
賀!! 陳柏諺、廖又豪(張盛富老師,張嘉展老師,吳建華老師指導),獲得2018 IMS 學生設計競賽
第二名 (2nd prize in 2018 IMS Student Design Competition)
賀!! 林孟璇、張書瑄(張盛富老師,張嘉展老師,吳建華老師指導),獲得2018 IMS 學生設計競賽
第三名 (3rd prize in 2018 IMS Student Design Competition)
賀!! 林育丞、馮冠傑(張盛富老師,張嘉展老師,吳建華老師指導),獲得2018 IMS 學生設計競賽
第三名 (3rd prize in 2018 IMS Student Design Competition)
連絡方式 Contact Information:
工程一館 543實驗室 /國立中正大學電機工程系, (05)2720411 ext. 23243
Engineering Building I, Room 543 , Dept. of Electrical Engineering , National Chung-Cheng University , No. 168 , University Road. Chiayi 621, Taiwan (+886)-5-2720411 ext. 23243
or E-mail to 王思閔.