We are Sacred Heartists Series

Many students graduated from Sacred Heart throughout our 160+ years of history. Although we left the school complex, our hearts are always with the school. The WAY, TRUTH & LIFE that we learned from SHCC deeply affected our life, our work and our contributions to the Community.


Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumnae Association Education and Charitable Fund Limited is organizing a series of talks so that our fellow Sacred Heartists can share with us their work, their aspirations and what SHCC means in their lives. They will be sharing with us how they overcome struggles, weaknesses and failure, and how to have a meaningful goal and plan towards that goal.


Praise God for these very inspiring sharings. The past sharings have been posted on Youtube so that you can review it on Youtube.


If you have any further queries, please contact us by email at shccaaecf@gmail.com or by telephone at (852) 2522 7605.

Professor the Hon. Rosie T.T. YOUNG 楊紫芝 GBM,GBS.,CBE,JP (Class of 1946) 27th June 2024
FRCP (Edin), FRCP (Lond), FRCP (Glasg), FRACP, FHKAM (Medicine), FHKCP
Emeritus Professor and Honorary Professor, Department of Medicine,
    The University of Hong Kong
Honorary Consultant at the Queen Mary Hospital
Consultant in Medicine at the Hong Kong Sanatorium and Hospital
Former Dean of Medicine, University of Hong Kong
Former Pro-Vice-Chancellor, University of Hong Kong
Past Chairman of the Education Commission
Past Chairman of Medical Council of Hong Kong
Past Chairman of Hospital Committee of Princess Margaret Hospital
Past Chairman of Working Party Report on Primary Health Care

(Youtube : https://youtu.be/deD8iRQgH00 )

Susanna Chiu 趙麗娟 MH JP ( Class of 1977) 24th April 2024
First Woman President of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Executive Director & CFO of Bonjour Holdings Limited
Independent Non-Executive Director of Nanyang Commercial Bank
Past Chief Representative of Eastern China, Fung’s Group
Past Senior Vice President of Li & Fung Limited (利豐有限公司前高級副總裁)
Past President of ISACA (China HK Chapter) (國際信息系統審計協會前會長)
Expert Advisor of Accountancy for Ministry of Finance (國家財政部香港會計諮詢專家)

(Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6wEoOVlHxk )

Karen Chan 陳嘉賢 JP ( Class of 1993) 8th December 2023
Executive Director of German Pool (HK) Ltd.
Chairperson of HKO2O E-Commerce Federation

(Youtube: https://youtu.be/u7JJBaIhp9I )

Maria Yuen 袁家寧 JA LLB LLM (Class of 1970) 29 September 2023
Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of Hong Kong
Former Hon. Secretary of Hong Kong Bar Association

(Youtube: https://youtu.be/GiaD1n3oCEc )

Elsie Leung 梁愛詩 GBM LLM (Class of 1958) 30 June 2023
First Secretary of Justice for Hong Kong Special Administration Region Government
Former Member of Executive Council of Hong Kong
Advisor and Former Partner of Iu, Lai & Li, Solicitors
Past President of International Federation of Women Lawyers

(Youtube: https://youtu.be/zasPMjQRI7M )

Margaret Leung 梁高美懿 SBS JP (Class of 1970) 28 April 2023
Member of Executive Council of Hong Kong Special Administration Region Government
First Chinese Female Group General Manager of HSBC
First Female Vice-chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Hang Seng Bank
First Female Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Chong Hing Bank

(Youtube: https://youtu.be/uybz-fJtU2g)

Angela Lee 李慧賢 BBS, JP (Class of 1971) 17 February 2023
Founder and Chairman of Laboratory Jane Clare Limited
Former Partner of international law firm Baker & McKenzie

(Youtube: https://youtu.be/TA8roYbrEb4 )

Anna Lok Suk Fong 駱淑芳 MD (Class of 1970) 29 December 2022

Director of Clinical Hepatology and Assistant Dean for Clinical Research in the University of Michigan Medical School

President of the American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases

(Youtube: https://youtu.be/2QhEdXXTJ14 )

Heartslift Fundraising Concert 2018

Sacred Heart Canossian College proudly presents “Heartslift Fundraising Concert 2018”, which is co-organised by Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumnae Association Education and Charitable Fund (SHCCAAECF) and SHCC Music Society.

“Heartslift Fundraising Concert 2018” is part of an educational music project co-organised by SHCCAAECF and SHCC Music Society, which is an initiative for Sacred Heartists to serve the community by enhancing the aesthetic development of primary students in Southern District through greater exposure in the area of music appreciation.  A total of 200 primary school students will enjoy the Heartslift Educational Concert for free and music workshops to be hosted by SHCC music teams in September or October 2018.

After deducting all costs and expenses incurred in the music project, all proceeds of this concert went to SHCAAECF for supporting the aesthetic education for Sacred Heartists.

The concert featured outstanding performances of School Choir, School Orchestra, School Chinese Orchestra, A Cappella in various music competitions throughout the year.  We had also invited SHCS Orchestra and our partners, Wah Yan College, Kowloon and Wah Yan College, Hong Kong to perform that evening.

Our Alumnae performed in the concert to pay a special tribute to Miss Wong Tak Lun, our beloved Music Teacher who served the School for 21 years and returned to Father’s House in February 2018. 

It was a memorable moment for Sacred Heartists of different generations to share the musical talents and achievements of our student musicians and to lift our hearts to the Lord with music.  

On 22 September the Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumnae Association Education and Charitable Fund presented a fund-raising performance, held at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.  Heartiest Movement 2015 marked 155 years of education at SHCC by showcasing  a variety of dances  and  featuring dancers from four to sixty years of age. The show’s success was a concerted effort of the school Dance Team, the Stage Management Team and many an alumnae.

The two-hundred and seventy participating dancers included kindergarten and primary students, as well as past and present SHCC students. Some of the performers were founding members of the school Dance Club forty-seven years ago.  The vast repertoire included 18 sets featuring Chinese, Western, Korean, Japanese and modern dance numbers.

Members of the audience including Ms Elizabeth Law, Chairperson of SHCCAAECF; Ms Fiona Chan,  Chairperson of SHCCAA; and Sr Veronica Fok, our School Principal were captivated by the colourful visuals and vibrant movement of the dancers.  Also in attendance, and very much enjoying the show, were our guests of honour, Sr Marie Remedios, School Manager; and Sr Agnes Law, our School Supervisor.

The Heartiest Movement 2015 show was just the latest in a series of events that have taken place in the last ten months commemorating SHCC’s 155th Anniversary.   Others have included: The Heartslink Charity Walk in November, The School Fun Fair in March, The Anniversary Celebration Homecoming Concert in April, The Thanksgiving Mass in April, The Day of Gratitude in May and the School’s Fashion show in July.

Heartiest Movement 2015 - A Tribute to the 155th Anniversary of SHCC 

22 September 2015 (Tuesday)

Thanks to the Organising Committee and everyone who helped make Heartiest Movement 2015 such a great success! The funds raised helped to provide sponsorship and scholarships to support an all-round education for our present and future students.  BRAVO!

Heartiest Movement 2015

Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumnae Association Education and Charitable Fund Limited (SHCCAA ECF) invited past students and friends to attend our dance performance showcase “Heartiest Movement 2015 (舞動人心 2015)” at the Jockey Club Auditorium, Hong Kong Polytechnic University .

Our students performed their award-winning dances and we were delighted to have our alumnae dancers, our primary school and kindergarten dancers to perform in this event.

This event was a fund-raising effort for the SHCCAA ECF, which provided sponsorships and scholarships to support an all-round education for our present and prospective students.

SHCCAA ECF is a registered charity, donations exceeding HK$100 are tax-deductible.  You may also make a donation directly to SHCCAA ECF in support of an education for the formation of the heart.

Heartslink Charity Walk 2015

Heartslink Charity Walk 2015

By the grace of God, the first Heartslink Charity Walk organized by SHCC Alumnae Association Education and Charitable Fund was successfully held on 29 November 2014.  Hundreds of alumnae, students, teachers, family members and friends participated in this meaningful project initiated by Sr. Agnes Law and the school to raise funds to serve children from low income families while providing SHCC students and adult volunteers an opportunity to serve those in need and acquire greater appreciation of human relationships.

 With the generosity and support of the following sponsors, donors, helpers and friends, we are very happy to report that up to now, we have reached the target and received donations totaling to HK$559,542. Please refer to the following for the list of donors. In addition to supporting us financially, many students and past students joined us on the day of the walk. Our school choir and music ensemble presented some very lively performances. There were booths for painting and balloon twisting by the Art Club, the school history challenge by the Student Council, the Green station manned by the Green Prefects and the health station manned by alumnae from the medical field.  Please click into the below link to share with us the joy and happiness on that day. (http://www.shcc.edu.hk/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=1868%3Aa-tribute-to-155th-anniversary-of-shcc-%E2%80%95-heartslink-charity-walk&Itemid=142)

On behalf of the SHCCAAECF, we praise God for giving us a wonderful team and wouldlike to thank our Chairman of the Organizing Committee, Yvonne Leung, Advisor, SchoolPrincipal Sr. Veronica Fok, Our Past Vice Principal, Mrs. Susan Chung, PastChairman, Margaret Ko, Vice Chairman, Deborah Wan and Maria Yuen, Secretary OpheliaChan and our ExecutiveCouncillors Fiona Chan, Teresina Chan, Susanna Chiu, Sr. Agnes Law, Elley Mao,Grace Wong, LorettaYam, our Mistresses of Ceremony, Ms. Beatrice Cheung and Ms. Shandy Gan. SHCCAA, all the teachers,students, workers and everyone involved for contributing your time and effortto make this happened.  May the Holy Spirit guide us in the new project.

 God bless you all!

 Elizabeth Law



Listof Sponsors and Donors

A Tribute to 155th Anniversary of SHCC ― Heartslink Charity Walk

On 29 November, Sacred Heart Canossian College Alumnae Association Education and Charitable Fund launched a fund-raising event at Central and Western District Promenade as a tribute to the Sacred Heart Canossian College’s 155th Anniversary.

Established on 14 February 2008, the Fund aims to promote education for youngsters and offer community service to the neglected in society. This year’s charity walk was a dual-purpose one: for one thing, it raised funds for SHCC Heartslink Programme, a project for students from the local low income group. For another, it marked the beginning of a series of anniversary celebration in the following months: Fun Fair in March, Anniversary Celebration Homecoming Concert in April, Thanksgiving Mass in April and Fashion Show in July, to name but a few.

Apart from official presentation of souvenirs and credits to generous alumna-sponsors, the charity walk was an alfresco carnival exhibiting the versatility of Sacred Heartist talents. There were one-of-a-kind student performances including the School Orchestra’sPirates of the Caribbean, a string ensemble, School Choir’s Recipe for A Song and Praise His Holy Name. Miss Shandy Gan, our gifted singsong- writer- graduate, brought us a treat to To Bossa and a song of her latest film, 點對點.

At the Tamar Park carnival, alumna and current student bodies put up game booths for amusement and medical information booth for offering visitors professional advice. The games booths attracted many a visitor and their families. There were balloon twisting, hand painting and games about our College.

Just few steps away the park at iBakery Gallery Café, the thoughtful alumnae arranged charity sales for raising an extra dollar with their unique souvenirs. iBakery Gallery Café is a social enterprise operated by the Tung Wah Group of Hospitals. The Café employs people with disabilities.

Without the efforts of Alumnae Association, Parent-Teacher Association, the School Choir, the School Orchestra, the Student Council, Art Club and Green Torch, teachers and the janitor, the charity walk-cum-outdoor carnival would not have been through.