Math Chapters part 2

The Go Math Series aligns with the state standards and is broken down by chapters.  Remember, practicing addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts is ongoing all year.

** Strong emphasis on problem solving and open ended responses:

 **Students should use the CUDDLE Strategy when answering Math word problems** 

 CUDDLE Strategy

            Circle the important facts in the word problem

             Underline the question

             Draw a picture

             Do the work

             Label your answer

             Evaluate (Does it make sense?) and check answer

** Homework is given on a daily basis for practice and should reinforce the concepts taught in class.

**All students have been given usernames and passwords for Think Central

( for Go Math. Please use this site to access Math practice, test, and quiz reviews.

Vocabulary by chapters: Definitions are in students' binders

Chapter 4 Multiplication Facts and Strategies

-Association Property of Multiplication

-Distributive Property of Multiplication


-Commutative Property of Multiplication

-Counting Number

-Identity Property of Multiplication

-Zero Property of Multiplication

Math Study Guide:

Chapter 5 Multiplication Facts


-Commutative Property of Multiplication

-Distributive Property of Multiplication



-Place Value


Chapter 6 Understanding Division





-inverse operations


-related facts

Chapter 7 Division Facts and Strategies


Chapter 8 Understanding Fractions



-unit fraction

-fraction greater than 1

-unit fraction

-equal parts









Dear Parents and Guardians,

Starting in March, the students will continue the exciting journey of fact fluency with division. Being fluent with division facts means students will have automatic recall.

In the classroom, we will continue to provide daily time for learning and practicing division facts. However, we strongly encourage home practice. There are a variety of ways to practice, so you can choose which type of practice works best for your child. We suggest practicing for 5-10 minutes, 3x per week. Below are options for division  practice:

🔶Division Flash Cards: Available at various stores like Dollar Tree, Target, Staples, and Dollar General.

(Division cards that can be printed off and created)

🔶Apps: Hooda Math and Math Cards

🔶IXL: Every division fact has a link within the heading “Division Skill Builders”. Also, under the heading “Division Fluency”, students are given mixed facts in various forms.


Monster Division:

Drag Race Division:

Fruit Splat Division:

Division timed quizzes will begin with related facts. Students will be expected to complete 30 problems in 3 minutes. The division quizzes will be given in the order of: dividing by 5 & 10 ; dividing by 2 & 4 ; dividing by 3 & 6; and dividing by 7, 8, & 9. After the facts are quizzed using related facts, the third graders will move into mixed division facts for 2-12. In the classroom, students will practice their facts and will be tested at the end of the week.

We look forward to celebrating the growth your child makes with their fluency of division facts. Thank you for your continued support!
