Dear Parents and Guardians,
It's going to be a FABULOUS year! This year will be filled with excitement, fun, and lots of learning. Your child will be given tools and the opportunities to really explore knowledge. I believe that learning can be an enjoyable journey, where in the end we can all grow and develop a true love of wisdom and discover our strengths and passions.
I value open communication between home and school. I will keep in constant contact communication with you concerning the events in our classroom. I will also keep in constant contact with you regarding your child's academic gains and/or struggles. If I have any concerns, I will contact you immediately. Moreover, if you feel there is a concern, please contact me as soon as possible. Together you and I can work to ensure that your child is successful.
I know we are going to have a FABULOUS year! If you need anything, please feel free to contact me at koloskik@eastgreenwich.k12.nj.us or 856.423.0613 x2114.
Mrs. Koloski