
Welcome to Visual Art and Design 1

During this Semester Course student/designers/artists will be focussing on learning about THEMSELVES and their Identity in relation to the World we live in! This site will be updated regularly to show the students work in process etc..

It is my pleasure and privilege to work with such intelligent and wonderful people such as our DMS students.

Please contact me at anytime with questions and or concerns lmurray@duxbury.k12.ma.us

More Resources for VAD 1 https://sites.google.com/a/duxbury.k12.ma.us/v-a-d-1/

From a Friend about PERCEPTIONS .. Illusion


VAD Foundations & Resources
2014-15 Introduction
Peacock Depictions
Symbols - Peace
VAD 1 Vocab & Concepts
Lesson Log

In my seven years of teaching, I have assessed over one thousand Painting / Fine Art student folios. It has become obvious that high school Art students make the same mistakes, over and over again. This article outlines these errors, so that others can avoid making the same errors themselves.

In no particular order, the mistakes are as follows:


Many students select Art thinking that it will be a fun subject where you hurl a bit of paint around and scribble with brightly coloured crayons. Students who enter under this misconception suffer a very quick wake-up call. Art can indeed be fun, but it is also an unimaginable amount of work. It requires constant and ongoing effort. Many students spend more time on their Art homework than they do on all of their other subjects put together.

Art should be taken for one reason only: because playing with line and tone and shape and form and texture and colour fills you with joy. If you don’t love making art, your subject selection will torment you. Art will become your demon: the subject you resent with a passion, instead of enjoy.


Some students are struck with a fear that they don’t have an original starting point or that they haven't interpreted their exam topic in quite the right way. They spend weeks fretting over their topic selection and worrying whether it is good enough.

Here’s the truth: it’s not the idea that matters – it’s what you do with it. Even the lamest beginnings can become draw-droppingly amazing if they are developed in the right way, with reference to the right artist models (visit our Pinterest Boards for artist ideas). Delaying your project in the hope of stumbling upon a ‘perfect’ topic rarely works: instead it results in panicked, last-minute submissions that are a pale shadow of what they could have been, had the full allotment of time been used. Great high school Art portfolios (in almost all cases) need time. Do yourself a favour and begin.


Compositional errors can be broken into the following four categories:

    • Cheesy: Surprisingly, there are still students who attempt to create artworks containing hearts; glitter; prancing horses; leaping dolphins or bunches of roses. Overly ‘pretty’, cliché and/or unimaginative subjects are rarely successful.

    • Boring: Those who select appropriate but common subject-matter (i.e. portraits) but make no effort to compose these in an innovative way, do themselves no favours. Even highly able students sometimes submit projects that make an examiner want to yawn. (A less able student, on the other hand, with exciting ideas and clever compositions, can make an examiner sit up and take notice).

    • Simple: Another common compositional error – usually evident in weaker students – is to avoid complex / challenging arrangements and/or choose a scene that is completely ‘flat’ or formless (i.e. an enlarged detail of a brick wall or a cloudy sky). This is unlikely to give you sufficient opportunity to render complex three-dimensional form and runs the risk of limiting or stifling your project.

    • Unbalanced: Every image, page and preparatory component of your high school Art project should be arranged in a well-balanced, aesthetically pleasing way. This can be a challenge for some, but certain principles – and directing conscious attention to composition – make this easier. (More on composition in an upcoming article).


Struggling with a practical aspect of Art is not a mistake (no one is perfect; everyone is in the process of improving their skills and becoming better) but flaunting your weaknesses to the examiner is. Remove weak pieces and ensure that you present your skills in the best light.

If you are messy and struggle to control paint, choose an artist model that allows you to apply gestural, expressive brush strokes, so it appears that your lack of control is intentional (this will allow you to continue practising with wet mediums, rather than avoiding them completely).

If you struggle to draw realistically, Read 11 Tips for Creating Excellent Observational Drawings and consider embracing gestural drawing, distortion, manipulation or semi-abstraction.

Showcase your strengths and use these as a distractive mechanism, while confronting your weaknesses head-on.


Many Art qualifications (i.e. IGCSE, GCSE, NCEA and A Level Art) ask students to develop ideas from initial concept/s to final piece. Difficulties with development usually present themselves in two forms: submitting a body of unrelated work OR submitting work that doesn’t develop at all. We have written an in-depth article about development to to help those who struggle with this (it was written for A Level Art students, but it applies to other Art qualifications also): this is one of the most important articles on this website.


Those who take Art are often the perfectionist type, wanting every aspect of their portfolio to be perfect. This ambition is great – in fact, most teachers wish this was a more widely-held attitude – however the mechanisms for achieving this are often flawed. Continually restarting pieces of work is not a good idea. It is rare that a drawing, painting or mixed-media piece cannot be worked upon and improved. In almost all cases, initial ‘bad’ layers give an artwork substance, resulting in a richer final piece (see this article about working over grounds for more). Those who habitually restart work have less time to complete the second piece and often end up with a folder of semi-complete pieces, none of which truly represent their skill in the best light.


Drawing or painting from images taken by others is one of the most risky strategies a high school Art student can use. It sets off alarm bells for the examiner, as it can indicate a lack of personal connection to a topic, a lack of originality, plagiarism issues and result in superficial / surface-deep work. Using images sourced from magazines, books and the internet screams of one thing: a student who cannot get off their backside long enough to find something of their own to draw.

NOTE: This is a guideline only. There are certain art projects – some of which are featured on this website – in which drawing from second-hand resources is acceptable. In general, however, this is something that should be approached with extreme care.


For some students, writing comes naturally - they enjoy pouring words onto a page. Others use annotation as a form of procrastination, to avoid working on the visual material.

There is nothing wrong with annotation. It is an excellent mechanism for refining ideas, evaluating work and communicating concepts and ideas. But students should remember this: it is usually possible to score perfect marks with little or zero annotation (except, of course, in artist studies where written analysis is required); it is never possible to score perfect marks with annotation only. The practical work is what matters. Spend your effort creating outstanding drawings and paintings. Use annotation as and when is necessary, but put your fullest energy into creating artwork. Put the art first and the annotation second.


Whether you admit or not, presentation is important. Art and Design is a visual subject. Those who assess it are highly sensitive to visual cues. The way artwork is mounted, arranged and put together speaks volumes to the examiner about your attitude as a candidate: your enthusiasm, your commitment and work ethic. Scrunched, dog-eared, smudged works can (if you are lucky) communicate the idea that you are a insane, artistic genius, but they are more likely to communicate the idea that you are a disorganised, slovenly student who couldn’t care less about the subject. When someone has a few minutes to assess or moderate your entire year’s work, first impressions count. Let your work shine.

(We will have detailed presentation tips in an upcoming article - stay tuned)!


The ultimate downfall of an Art student is procrastination. This is the number one barrier to success. Leaving things until the last minute can work in some subjects (especially the kind where knowledge is absorbed and regurgitated on cue) if you have an excellent memory, excellent grasp of the subject and a have a refined cramming technique – but it almost never works in Art. Even skilful, highly able students need time to produce a great Art project.

Why do Art students procrastinate? How do you stop? This is being discussed right now by students and teachers in our forum.

You may also wish to read our article: How to stop procrastinating and get your art homework done.

- See more at: http://www.studentartguide.com/articles/top-10-mistakes-by-art-students#sthash.yUL1043Q.dpuf

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Artlab Wall of Wisdom

As an art teacher, there are things that I am continually telling my students. Things like...

"You are responsible for your own mess", or "Art requires patience above talent!", "There's no excuse for messiness!", "Don't use a waste a new piece of paper when you can use an eraser!".

Instead of repeating myself, I decided years ago to make a "Wall of Wisdom".

It is full of ideas to make your art better or my philosophy of a good art attitude.

This is my wall of poster...

I have some kids that get super excited when they are the first ones done with their work.

Being quick is not always a good thing.

Remember the tortoise and the hare?

Sometimes that means they did not take the time to be neat or to complete the work.

So, slow and STEADY wins the race.

Some kids work hard at first, then get tired, then quit doing their best.

If you start neat, finished neat.

Be consistent with your work.

I let kids know on the first day of school,

that I do not grade them based on talent. Nobody can pick their talents when they are born.

I am sure if they had a choice, all students would choose to be artistically inclined.

So, I grade on their "ARTtitude". Do they try, do the fix mistakes, do they improve, do they listen to advice?

Or do they give up, give half effort, or turn work in knowing it could be better?

It takes blood, sweat, and tears. It's about distance vs. speed.

My pet peeve is when kids waste paper!

They put one measly mark down and then throw it away! UGHHHHH!

I want to just throw erasers at those wasters!

So, I made this sarcastic ad for the



You don't have to be talented to be neat.

It just takes special care and patience.

All you have to do is a back and forth motion with your hand while holding a crayon...

it's not that hard.

So, I do grade hard on kids who are sloppy. It is just them telling me they don't care.

It's a bad "art"titiude.

In most cases, it is best to color dark. It shows up better, it pops out, and it reveals the true color.

At least if you don't color the inside dark, then emphasize it by outlining dark on the outside.

Plus, coloring darker is harder and more time consuming, which in the end shows more care.

I tell the kids that if the paper is big, draw big.

Fill the space up. The picture is more important than the emptiness behind it.

Drawing bigger allows the artist to include more detail as well.

If you have the room, use it!

Otherwise, you are wasting.

Patience is a virtue...

You have to practice patience while you create art.

When my students work hard by showing patience,

I like to post their work online.

The great educational philosopher Harry Wong said something like this when I saw him speak. I just took what he said and make a poster for it.

I let the kids talk while they work.

As long as they do this responsibly,

But, if they talk more than they work, inhibit others from working because of their talking, or they fail because of their mouth, then they have a problem that needs to be fixed.

Art, the most important meal of the day.

I try to teach kids to avoid putting the too much pressure on their pencils in the beginning stages of drawing.

So many times, they mess up, try to erase, but can't get rid of their original drawing lines.

Then I make them use the back of the paper. If they already did, then I make them erase the lightest side.

I do this to teach them to draw light till they KNOW they have it right.

Kids beat, bang, and drop colored pencils.

This tears them apart!

Then they try to sharpen them and the lead falls out.

It is a horrible result of an abused supply.

I have this to encourage them to treat the pencils like glass.

I keep the markers in a vertical storage tip down.

This allows the flow of the ink to travel to the tip.

It increases the life of the markers.

Some kids do not close the glue. This open hole lets air in and that air hardens the remaining glue under the cap. Then kids think that jabbing a larger hole in a clogged up glue bottle will make it work better.

It will temporarily make it work better for them right then, but in the long run, this massive hole they poked just makes the tip get clogged even more from the extra air that gets in it.

This is a never ending cycle!

Since this annoys me, I made a poster to try to get my point across.

I also get tired of kids not cleaning brushes out. Then the paint dries on the brush, hardens the tip and it is never able to be used again. Or, they do clean it, but leave it with the bristles down. Then it dries bent and is permanently bent.

My are teacher from High School, Mrs. Liddell, had a poster like this one. I liked it, so I made one for my classroom. "Your mamma doesn't live here, so clean up your own mess".

My self made Principles chart...

Self made Elements chart...

I decided to make this motivational poster for my classroom just recently.

I did some research behind it and found the history of the original very interesting.

So, this is my parody of the We Can Do It poster.


And that is my Art Class.

Hope you are more the wiser!