(1) MCAS Computer-Based Testing

Do activity around

Week before February vacation


The Department strongly recommends that schools have all their students view the student tutorial, even those who have previously participated in computer-based testing, and especially students who have not previously participated in computer-based testing.


During the tutorial, students will click through different screens and review brief descriptions on how to navigate through the student testing platform. The tutorial shows students how to use different onscreen tools and accessibility features, as well as how to enter seal codes at the beginning of a session, and how to review responses before submitting a test.


The tutorial contains no audio component, so educators may want to view the tutorial to become familiar with the tools and features before viewing it with students. The tutorial should take approximately 20–30 minutes to complete. 

2020 ELA

2020 Math

2018 Grade 4 MCAS Math Practice 1 (21 questions) 2018  Grade 4 MCAS Math Practice 2 (5 questions)