

Weekly Class Routines (Subject to Change as Needed)

  • Reading

    • A vocabulary assignment is given on Monday and due on Wednesday.

    • Students will be given time in class for workbook assignments, but if not completed during class time, they will be due the next day.

    • Weekly assessments and story quizzes will be on Fridays. These will be computerized.

  • Language

    • Writing

      • Journals will be completed often throughout the week.

      • Larger formal writings will take place at the end of a unit.

    • Grammar

      • Worksheets will be used for students to practice skills introduced in class.

      • Morning language papers are completed as students arrive in the morning, and are checked when language class begins.

    • Spelling

      • Weekly word lists can be found in the green binder. These pages are blue.

      • Worksheets will be given to practice writing and using these words correctly.

      • Pretests are typically given on Wednesdays.

        • If a student gets a 100% on this pretest, he/she will not need to take the test on Friday.

      • Tests are usually given on Fridays.

  • Math

    • A daily math page will be completed in the morning, and we will check it together at the beginning of math class.

    • Drops in the Bucket pages are assigned on Mondays and due on Fridays.

    • It is important to study math facts daily to improve fluency. This will make math assignments much easier and quicker to complete once longer multiplication and division problems are introduced.

Accelerated Reader

  • This is the program that we use to assess our students' reading habits and abilities. Comprehension quizzes over the books your child reads will be computerized using a program known as Renaissance Place.

    • First Quarter Goal: 5 points

    • Second Quarter Goal: TBD

    • Third Quarter Goal: TBD

    • Fourth Quarter Goal: TBD


  • Students will fill out reading logs for each month. They must read 200 minutes to reach the monthly Book-It goal and to earn the Pizza Hut coupon.

This classroom website will include information for my fourth grade class!