Pierre-Etienne Moreau
Director of TELECOM Nancy - Université de Lorraine
Professor at Mines Nancy - Université de Lorraine
Foundations and practical applications of Term Rewriting
Tom: integration of formal constructs into Java
Software Engineering
Scientific Leader of GDR CNRS GPL (Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel, 2016-2020)
Head of Inria Pareo Research Group (2008-2014)
Director of the Computer Science Department - Mines Nancy and TechLab (2009-2015 and 2016-2017)
Programming Languages (2021-)
Secure Coding (2022-)
Introduction to C/C++ (2015-2022)
Bootcamp (2009-2022)
Microcontroler (2012-2022)
Algorithms and Complexity (2016-2021)
Software Engineering - Software Development (2009-2017)
Loria - Inria
Office B204
Campus Scientifique, BP 239
54506 Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy
École des Mines de Nancy
Office R329
Mines Nancy
Campus ARTEM, BP 14234
54042 Nancy cedex
Scientific Leader of GDR CNRS GPL (Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel) (2016-2020)
Member of GDR GPL board (2011-2016)
Member of scientific council of GDR GPL board (since 2020)
Member of the editorial board of Science of Computer Programming
Membre de la section 27 du CNU (2015-2019)
Comités de sélection PR Rennes 2021, PR X 2021
Comités HCERES CRISTAL 2018, LIG 2019
Correcteur de l'épreuve "Informatique Pour Tous" du concours Mines-Ponts (2015-2022)
Correcteur de l'épreuve Informatique 1, filière MPI, concours Mines-Ponts (2022-)
GDR GPL 2021 : Journées du GDR-GPL (Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel)
GDR GPL 2019 (chair): Journées du GDR-GPL (Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel)
Past Events [PC: Program Committee member, OC: Organisation Committee member]
GdR Génie de la Programmation et du Logiciel, Défis 2030 (pre-print 2021)
Static Analysis of Pattern-Free Properties (PPDP 2021)
Pattern Eliminating Transformations (LOPSTR 2020)
A Mission Definition, Verification and Validation Architecture (FM 2019)
Pattern eliminating transformations (CIEL 2019)
Generic Encodings of Constructor Rewriting Systems (PPDP 2019)
Monitor-Centric Mission Definition with Sophrosyne (ICUAS 2019)
Faithful (Meta-)Encodings Of Programmable Strategies Into Term Rewriting Systems (LMCS 2017)
A faithful encoding of programmable strategies into term rewriting systems (accepted at RTA 2015, hal)
Bringing Strategic Rewriting into the Mainstream (2015)
Effective Strategic Programming for Java Developers (Software: Practice and Experience 2012, 2014)
Island grammar-based Parsing using GLL and Tom (SLE 2012, hal)
Model Transformation with Tom (LDTA 2012, hal)
Tom-based tools to transform EMF models in avionics context (ITSLE 2012, hal)
Anti-Patterns For Rule-Based Languages (Journal of Symbolic Computation 2010)
TomML: A Rule Language For Structured Data (RuleML 2009)
PhD committees
Pierre Lermusiaux, adviser, Nancy, 2022
Analyse statique de transformations pour l'élimination de motifsRémi Badonnel, HDR, president, Nancy, 2022
Managing Security for the Cyber-Space -- From Smart Monitoring to Automated ConfigurationSalwa Kobeissi, president, Strasbourg, 2021
Speculative Rewriting of Recursive Programs as Loop Candidates for Efficient Parallelization and Optimization Using an Inspector-Executor MechanismLouis Viard, adviser, Nancy, 2021
Environnement de développement de missions pour systèmes cyber-physiquesNicolas Szlifierski, reviewer, Brest, 2020
Contrôle sûr de chaînes d’obfuscation logicielle