

Our next meeting will be Monday, November 11th in the Lipizzan pod!

Butter Braid orders are due!

All meetings are right after school and run about 30 minutes

Community Service Required - 15 hours for the year!

For current 7th and 8th grade members only -- Dues are DUE by September 11th :) 

- NJHS 24-25 Dues

**  Community Service Document - (access granted to NJHS members ONLY - through DCSD Google account) **

Colts Club tutors - sign-up here 

Here are your 2024-2025 officers!

President -- Gavin V.

Vice-President -- Remmi G.

Treasurer -- Connor F.

Fundraising/Community Service Chair -- Noelle T.

Secretary -- Zoey F.

National Junior Honor Society Pledge

I pledge myself to uphold the high standard of the National Junior Honor Society to which I have been selected; I will be true to the principles for which it stands; I will be loyal to my school; and will maintain and encourage high standards of scholarship, service, leadership, and character.