Math Facts
Why should students know their math facts?
Math facts are important because they are the building blocks for higher-level math concepts. Students need to know them. We want students to automatically know their facts instead of counting on their fingers. We encourage students to study their facts a little each night in order to meet our 4th-grade expectations
First Semester Expectations
Second Semester Expectations
Addition facts to 20 in 4 minutes - 100 problems
Subtraction facts to 20 in 5 minutes - 100 problems
Multiplication facts to 12 in 5 minutes - 100 problems
Division facts to 12 in 5 minutes - 100 problems
Mixed Operations in 3 minutes - 60 problems
Addition facts to 20 in 4 minutes - 100 problems
Subtraction facts to 20 in 4 minutes - 100 problems
Multiplication facts to 12 in 4minutes - 100 problems
Division facts to 12 in 5 minutes - 100 problems
Mixed Operations in 3 minutes - 60 problems
*A challenge has been added. Reducing fractions will be taught later in the year.