Biology 12-22 Learning Targets

Biology 12 – 22 Learning Targets

First Semester

Biological Inquiry

  1. I can design an experiment using the scientific method.
    1. I can identify scientific/testable questions that guide scientific investigations.
    2. I can identify the components of a controlled experiment: independent variable, dependent variable, controlled variable(s), and control and experimental groups.
    3. I can write a testable hypothesis.
    4. I can distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data.
  2. I can perform an experiment using the scientific method.
    1. I can identify lab equipment/tools and demonstrate how to use them appropriately.
    2. I can collect appropriate and reliable data and record it in a table.
  3. I can analyze and communicate the results of an experiment.
    1. I can visually represent data collected and recorded in an experiment in tables and graphs.
    2. I can draw logical conclusions based on data collected from an experiment.
    3. I can identify sources of error in an experiment by explaining how these errors affect results and describing how these can be corrected.
    4. I can make improvements to the design of an experiment.
  4. I can describe and explain the characteristics of living things.


  1. I can distinguish between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
    1. I can identify key features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells in a diagram or picture.
    2. I can identify examples of prokaryotes and eukaryotes.
  2. I can distinguish between animal and plant cells.
    1. I can explain that cells are the basic units of structure and function of living things. (Emphasize: I can explain the three ideas of the cell theory.)
    2. I can identify key features of plant and animal cells in a diagram or picture.
    3. I can identify examples of animal and plant cells.
    4. I can describe the structure and explain the function of cell organelles: plasma membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, cell wall, nuclear membrane, nucleolus, chromatin, ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vacuoles, lysosomes, cytoskeleton, mitochondria, and chloroplasts.
  3. I can distinguish between passive and active transport.
    1. I can describe the structure of the plasma membrane as it relates to transport of materials through the membrane.
    2. I can distinguish among the passive forms of transport: diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis.
    3. I can distinguish among the energy-requiring forms of transport: active transport, endocytosis, and exocytosis.
    4. I can interpret diagrams of cellular transport.
  4. .I can describe the cell cycle and explain its significance.
    1. I can explain why cells need to divide.
    2. I can identify the stages of the cell cycle (interphase, mitosis, and cytokinesis).
    3. I can identify and describe the sub-stages of interphase (G1, S, and G2).
    4. I can distinguish between cytokinesis in animal and plant cells.
    5. I can explain how the cell cycle is regulated and how issues arise when the cycle is not properly controlled (i.e., cancer).
  5. I can describe mitosis and explain its significance.
    1. I can explain why mitosis is important for living things.
    2. I can describe the stages of mitosis.
    3. I can identify the stages of mitosis using diagrams and pictures.

Energy Flow through Ecosystems

  1. I can explain why organisms need energy and how they obtain it.
    1. I can distinguish between autotrophs and heterotrophs.
    2. I can explain how chemical energy flows through the levels of ecological organization.
    3. I can explain how chemical energy in ATP is used to do cellular work.
    4. I can describe the structure of ADP/ATP and how it stores energy.
    5. I can summarize the ATP cycle.
  2. I can explain how sunlight energy is converted into chemical energy by photosynthesis.
    1. I can describe the importance of chloroplasts and chlorophyll in the overall process of photosynthesis.
    2. I can identify the reactants and products of the overall process of photosynthesis.
    3. I can identify the roles of the light reactions and Calvin cycle in the overall process of photosynthesis.
  3. I can explain how chemical energy stored in macromolecules is converted into ATP by cellular respiration.
    1. I can describe the importance of mitochondria in the overall process of cellular respiration.
    2. I can identify the reactants and products of the overall process of cellular respiration.
    3. I can identify the roles of glycolysis, Krebs cycle, and the electron transport chain in the overall process of cellular respiration.
    4. I can explain the significance of acquiring ATP in the absence of oxygen (i.e., lactic acid and alcoholic fermentation).
  4. I can explain the relationships among autotrophs, heterotrophs, and decomposers in an ecosystem.
    1. I can describe the one-way flow of energy through an ecosystem.
    2. I can create and interpret a diagram of a food chain and a food web.
    3. I can create and interpret ecological pyramids (energy, biomass, and numbers/individuals).
    4. I can explain why energy is lost at each trophic level.

Ecological Interactions

  1. Identify and explain the basic patterns of chemical cycling and the impact of human behaviors on them.
    1. I can relate one-way flow of energy to the chemical cycling of matter.
    2. I can interpret diagrams of the carbon-oxygen, nitrogen, and water cycles.
    3. I can describe the importance of the nitrogen cycle’s role in the formation of macromolecules.
    4. I can describe how human behaviors impact the carbon-oxygen, nitrogen, and water cycles.
  2. I can describe and give examples of the interactions that occur within communities.
    1. I can explain how interspecies competition results in competitive exclusion.
    2. I can describe symbiotic relationships among organisms in a community (parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism).
    3. I can describe a predator-prey relationship.
  3. I can describe factors affecting population growth.
    1. I can describe the pattern of exponential growth.
    2. I can explain how limiting factors impact exponential growth.
    3. I can explain how limiting factors determine carrying capacity.

.Second Semester


  1. I can describe the process of meiosis and explain its role in inheritance.
    1. I can explain what homologous chromosomes are and describe how they are similar and how they are different.
    2. I can distinguish between haploid and diploid cells.
    3. I can explain how meiosis increases genetic variation through crossing over and assortment of chromosomes.
    4. I can explain the role of meiosis in gamete formation.
    5. I can explain how the failure of chromosomes to separate during meiosis (nondisjunction) leads to changes in total chromosome number which can be displayed in a karyotype.
  2. I can explain the relationships among alleles, genes, chromosomes, genotypes, and phenotypes.
    1. I can define the following terms: allele, gene, chromosome, genotype, and phenotype.
    2. I can distinguish between alleles, genes, and chromosomes.
    3. I can infer phenotypes based upon a particular genotype.
  3. I can make predictions about genotypes and phenotypes using probability.
    1. I can create and interpret Punnett Squares.
    2. I can use the rules of probability to predict the genotypic and phenotypic outcomes one-trait crosses.
    3. I can construct and interpret a test cross in order to determine genotype.
    4. I can define, explain the effect of, and solve genetic word problems involving the following types of inheritance: complete dominance, incomplete dominance, codominance, sex linkage, multiple alleles, and dihybrid crosses.

DNA & Biotechnology

  1. I can describe how DNA’s structure carries the code that gives organisms their traits.
    1. I can describe the function of DNA.
    2. I can identify the molecules that make up DNA.
    3. I can identify the three components of a nucleotide.
    4. I can describe the double-helical structure of DNA.
    5. I can describe complementary base pairing.
  2. I can explain how mutations affect organisms.
    1. I can describe the causes of mutations.
    2. I can explain why a change in DNA sequence may or may not result in a change in the organism.
    3. I can describe the types of mutations (base insertion, deletion, and substitution) that can affect genes.
  3. I can describe how proteins are made using the information in DNA.
    1. I can explain the relationship between genes and proteins.
    2. I can describe how DNA is transcribed into RNA.
    3. I can describe how RNA is translated into proteins.
  4. I can describe the techniques used to insert DNA sequences or genes into host organisms.
    1. I can explain how restriction enzymes are used to remove and insert DNA sequences from one organism.
    2. I can explain how vectors, such as plasmids, are used to introduce genes into hosts.
    3. I can identify applications of recombinant DNA technology including transgenic organisms and gene therapy.
  5. I can describe the various DNA technologies and their uses.
    1. I can describe the process of gel electrophoresis and analyze a sample gel.
    2. I can describe the importance of PCR and explain its uses.


  1. Describe how Darwin explained the diversity of life.
    1. I can explain how the ideas of others (Lamarck, Lyell, Malthus, and Wallace) and his own observations influenced Darwin's thinking about Earth and its life.
    2. I can explain how artificial selection influenced Darwin's thinking about Earth and its life.
  2. I can explain how natural selection results in organisms being adapted to their local environment.
    1. I can explain the four processes (genetic variation, overproduction of offspring, struggle for existence, differential survival and reproductive success) of natural selection.
    2. I can define variation and describe the processes (mutation and sexual recombination) that lead to it.
    3. I can explain what an adaptation is and how it relates to natural selection.
    4. I can identify examples of how natural selection is relevant in today’s world such as antibiotic and pesticide resistance.
  3. I can describe and explain the major forms of evidence of evolution.
    1. I can analyze fossil data and use observations to make inferences about how life has evolved.
    2. I can explain how homologous and vestigial structures are evidence of evolution.
    3. I can analyze DNA or protein sequences to make inferences about evolutionary relationships.
    4. I can compare the embryonic development of organisms to make inferences about evolutionary relationships.
  4. I can explain how new species arise.
    1. I can define species.
    2. I can distinguish between macroevolution and microevolution.
    3. I can describe how geographic and reproductive isolation contribute to the formation of new species.

Classification & Biodiversity

  1. I can describe how organisms are classified.
    1. I can describe how the seven categories of the Linnaean system are organized.
    2. I can describe the scientific system for naming a species and name organisms using binomial nomenclature.
    3. I can analyze a phylogenetic tree to demonstrate the evolutionary relationships of species.
    4. I can describe and relate classification schemes including the six-kingdom and domain systems.
  2. I can identify the key characteristics of prokaryotes, protists, fungi, plants, and animals.
    1. I can use cellular organization (unicellular vs. multicellular; eukaryotic vs. prokaryotic) to classify organisms into kingdoms.
    2. I can use how an organism obtains energy (autotrophic vs. heterotrophic) to classify organisms into kingdoms.
    3. I can use presence or absence of a cell wall and cell wall composition to classify organisms into kingdoms.