Welcome to PageBreak!

Page Break is a literary festival and contest for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade writers from Stevenson feeder schools. Come to participate in creative writing workshops, receive feedback on your writing, listen to a surprise guest speaker, and win awesome prizes! 

Students submit their writing prior to the festival to participate in the contest. At the festival on Saturday January 20th, 2024, students will participate in a variety of creative writing workshops and activities. Each student's work will be discussed in a workshop! 

Click through this website for more information about the festival, the ceremony, the submission process, and how our workshops will help develop your writing. We look forward to seeing you at the festival!

How does a writing festival work?

Before the festival, students submit their writing to be critiqued. On the day of the festival, students will listen to a guest speaker, and participate in workshops in which their writing will be discussed. There will be an awards ceremony at the end of the day. 

PageBreak Literary Festival is brought to you by Stevenson's The Wit, and Write Club!

The Wit edits and publishes two annual literary magazines of student art and writing: The Sole (for underclassmen) and The Wit (for all students). Past issues have been recognized by the National Scholastic Press Association and the American Scholastic Press Association. 

Write Club offers a supportive atmosphere for members to create new work. Write Club also holds workshops, readings, and discussions, and offers an underclassmen mentorship program. Members have been recognized by the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, the Illinois Association of Teachers of English, Princeton University, Gannon University, and more.