Grading policy

PRACTICE = 20% of total grade

Practice assignments are usually a review of materials that was given in class.  The purpose of practice assignments is for students to PRACTICE and STUDY new concepts so that they may become proficient in the concepts taught.  

APPLICATION = 30% of total grade

Application assignments will help determine whether a student has developed the skills necessary to apply their knowledge in a variety of ways.  This can include quizzes, projects, or other activities that demonstrate their current level of understanding.


ASSESSMENT = 50% of total grade

Assessments will usually take the form of a unit/chapter test or a large project.


If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of the student to determine what work was missed. Students are allowed one day to make up the work for every day that is missed.  So, if a student misses 2 school days, they are allowed 2 days to make up the assignments for full credit.  All missing or late work must be completed prior to the test or the end of the quarter (depending which occurs first) for credit to be earned.


District 118 grades 6-8 will continue the policy of No Zeros. However, the baseline will be changed from the current 40%/50% model to 50%. Meaning, the lowest grade that can be assigned to any student's work is 50% regardless of the status of the assignment or assessment. If an assignment is missing, the ‘Missing’ indicator will be used. The original score should be put in the comments for reference.  

Grade Book Categories and Weights

The grade book categories and weights will be aligned for each grade level: Assessment 50%, Application 30%, Practice 20%. 

The Practice category is initial experiences for students, with a skill or content, or a review of previously assessed skills. 

The Application category is assignments, projects, or assessments (quizzes or quick checks) with guidance from a teacher and is material or information that has been seen before. 

The Assessment category is assessment for students on their own after instruction is over (minimal guidance). 

Decisions about the placement of assessments and assignments have to happen at the grade/subject-specific PLT meeting and need to be the consensus of the team. 

Retakes and Corrections 

Retakes and/or corrections must be offered for work in the Assessment category. Retakes and corrections are optional for Application and Practice. Grade level, department PLTs must be uniform in implementation. This topic will be under investigation next year by the Grading and Assessment Committee.