Join us at the 4th Annual Conference!

"Writing Lives in the Northland"

Friday, April 7th, 2017

9:00am-3:30pm, registration opens at 8:30am

University of Wisconsin-Superior Yellowjacket Union

This year's conference theme explores the role of writing in the lives of both teachers and students inside and outside the academic contexts and how these relate, contrast, and inform each other.

Register here! There is no fee to attend the conference, thanks to this year's generous donors:

UW-Superior's Writing & Library Science Department

UMD's Writing Studies Department

College of St. Scholastica Department of English

Fond du Lac Community College

Call for Posters!

The Lake Superior Summit for the Teaching of Writing and English as a Second Language seeks poster proposals addressing questions of “writing lives,” especially in the Northland (northern Minnesota and Wisconsin, the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, and the Dakotas, but really anywhere winter falls. Topics might include the writing process of instructors and students (both inside and outside of classroom settings), with emphases on creative, professional, and civic writing addressing diverse populations.

Submit poster proposals by February 1 to: David Beard, Guy who Collects Poster Proposals at

Include a 50 word abstract making clear the topic and its significance to teachers of writing and/or of English as a Second Language.