About Mrs. Ong

A pic of me in 8th Grade!

My name is Debbie Ong, and I am a 6th Grade Math and Science Teacher in Room 40 at Miller Middle School. I am excited to teach 6th Grade and have a passion for helping students grow personally and academically.

I graduated with a Masters of Arts in Teaching from Santa Clara University in Santa Clara, CA. I also have my Masters in Business Administration from the University of Rochester in Rochester, NY. My bachelor degrees are in Communications and Management from Simmons College in Boston, MA. Interesting facts about me are, I went to an all women's college. I have 4 sisters and 1 brother for a total of 6 kids in the family. Teaching is my second career and one that I love.

I worked at Hewlett-Packard in business and marketing roles for 14 years and am now teaching! I grew up in Brookline, MA and am a Boston Red Sox and New England Patriots fan. I have lived in the Bay Area since 2000. Lastly, I am a parent of a daughter who loves to dance.

I hope to make this year one of growth and learning for my students. I really believe it takes a village to raise a child.

My email address is: ong_debbie@cusdk8.org