This course would cover the design and implementation of secure systems. There will be three parts in the course (1) security threats and exploits in programs (2) mitigation techniques (3) detection techniques
Tentative topics include threat models, popular security attacks like (buffer overflows, return-to-libc, format string, ROPs, heartbleed, side channel analysis, etc.). Techniques for secure system design such as the use of capabilities, SGX, root of trust, and PUFs will be discussed.
Tentative evaluation will be as follows : 50% from coding assignments, 25% for mid-semester exam, 25% for end-semester exam. Optionally, students can choose to do a course project instead of the end-semester exam.
Vulnerabilites and Exploits : buffer overflows, return-to-libc, ROPs, double frees, format string vulnerabilities, covert channels
Mitigations : W^X, ASLR, Canaries, hardware and compiler mitigations
Capability and sandboxing systems : SGX, Trustzone
Micro-architectural Attacks and Side Channel Analysis
Hardware and Embedded Security: PUFs, Trojans, a case study of automotive security
Classes will be held from 31/July/2019 in CS24. Slot J.
Keerthi K.
Muhammad Arsath KF
Prithwish Basu Roy
Milind Srivastava