Paweł Gawrychowski

e-mail: gawry [at], download my GPG public key.

I'm an associate professor at University of Wrocław. I am also the scientific secretary of the Polish Olympiad in Informatics, if you have any task ideas then please send them to me!

I received my PhD from University of Wrocław in October 2011. Then I have spent three years at Max Planck Institute in Saarbrücken, year and a half as a post-doc at University of Warsaw supported by Warsaw Center of Mathematics and Computer Science, and then another year and a half at University of Haifa, all while on a leave of absence from University of Wrocław. Recently, I have spent a great sabbatical year at ENS in Paris (supported by the Bekker NAWA programme). I am mainly interested in data structures with applications to string processing.

teaching and professional activities

preprints & to appear




My Erdős number seems to be 2, through Jeff Shallit.

Here you can see a video about me (short, but hey, I'm a rather boring person!).

programming contests

I have spent a lot of time solving (and creating) problems from various programming contests. Here are links to a few tasks that I have set (I'm a terrible story teller so the statements have usually been created by someone else) and still find interesting:

Sometimes I write articles about interesting problems from such contests. Unfortunately, most (all?) of this stuff is in Polish.

Here are a few statistics from my problem solving days. Feel free to ask if you are stuck with a problem that I have solved.