Thank you for Hands-on-History!  Meeting this Monday!

Post date: Sep 21, 2013 12:25:53 PM

Museum - Our thanks to all that donated time, supplies, and expertise as we created displays that children can explore and made Hands-on-History Day a great success! Over 600 people came as guests or volunteers to experience a special day designed for the children from our local communities.  What a wonderful event!

We are meeting on Monday September 23rd for our general meeting at 7:00 p.m. where we will have a short meeting followed by a discussion about a local Native American fortification.  We hope to see you as we continue learning about the Corry area and it's history.  Come and join us!

Next monthly meeting will be October 28th at 7:00 p.m. There will be a tureen dinner starting at 6:00 p.m. as we welcome new members and get to know each other better. 

Night at the Museum event- details coming soon!