This is the website for the Native and Naturalized Vascular Plants of Connecticut Checklist. This site contains files for downloads and links to relevant web resources including the online database of the checklist. It is a work in progress.
The checklist project is sponsored by the Connecticut Botanical Society which published a new printed version of the Connecticut Checklist in January 2014. Copies of the printed version are available from the Connecticut College Arboretum, Campus Box 5201, 270 Mohegan Avenue, New London, CT 06320. arbor@conncoll.edu 860-439-5020
By Dr. Chad Jones, Connecticut College, May 2014
Of the 2827 taxa in Dowhan’s 1979 Preliminary Checklist of the Vascular Flora of Connecticut:
325 disappeared by being merged
25 new taxa appeared by splitting
65 taxa have no evidence of being in Connecticut
351 new taxa have been added to the list
Of the 2853 taxa in Dreyer, Jones, et al. 2014 Native and Naturalized Vascular Plants of Connecticut Checklist:
28.6% changed family, genus, or species since Dowhan's list (beyond just spelling changes)
12.8% changed family
18.5% changed genus or species
12.3% are new
Origin of the taxa:
Graves 1910 Dowhan 1979 Dreyer, Jones et al. 2014
# taxa 2228 2802* 2853
# exotic 492 938 1082
% exotic 22.10% 33.50% 37.90%
*Not including the 65 that are not currently believed to be in CT
Of the 351 new taxa:
149 are native (including many hybrids)
202 are exotic (including invasives)
20 are on the invasive species list
Contact glenn.dreyer (at) conncoll.edu with corrections or questions.