Mrs. Oberlin's PE/Health

Welcome Spartans to the 2020-2021 School Year!

Here is a poem about me...

When I was a Girl

By Jean Dowell

When I was a girl, I knew what I would be.

I was going to college to study P.E.

My friends thought I was crazy, when I went to school last fall.

They said: "Do you have to go to college, to learn about basketball?

Even my mother and father, thought all I did was play.

I couldn't explain what I did, they wouldn't listen anyway!

I studied hard and received good grades, a scholar's life I led.

But they said: "Anyone can make good grades studying Phys. Ed.!

When I started teaching, no one understood at all.

Everyone thought what I did was "throw out the ball."

I remember a faculty meeting, when I sat down by an old friend.

He said: "How are things for you over in the play pen?"

Physical Education, it's a waste of time they say.

You don't have to work, you don't have to think, just play around all day!

Then one day this friend of mine, who had always been so stout.

Could not climb one flight of stairs, without his tongue hanging out!

His doctor told him to get in shape, or else his life was through.

"Find a Physical Educator, she'll tell you what to do!"

So I told him how to exercise, to ease stress, improve fitness, and all.

He said he thought that all I knew, was how to coach softball!

Another one of those friends of mine called me just to say...

That all her friends were playing golf, and she was sitting at home all day.

Just sitting around the house all day and going to the shopping mall.

The only thing going up in her life, was her cholesterol!

So I taught her about lifetime sports skills. She seemed to like them all.

She said: "I didn't know you taught kids this, all we played was basketball!"

It wasn't long until I helped every one of my skeptics out.

They finally learned what Physical Education is really all about.

Now they think I'm special because of what I have to give.

I'm the only teacher in the school who can teach them how to live!

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