
Dr.Manikandan. H. M.Tech., MIE.,  Ph.D., [M.Tech-AI&ML] 

Assistant Professor 

Chartered Engineer - Mechanical Division (IEI)

Department of Mechanical Engineering

E-Mail: manikandan.h@cmrit.ac.in     

Educational Background

Ph.D - Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi  - Mechanical Engineering and Sciences , Title of Thesis:  "Synthesis of Epicyclic Gear Transmission Systems"

M.Tech - SRM University, Chennai  - Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

AMIE - Institution of Engineers (India) - Mechanical Engineering.

M.Tech - BITS-Pilani - Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning (Currently Pursuing)

Professional Body Membership


Areas of Interest in Teaching

Graduate Level

Design of Machine Elements I and II., Dynamics of Machines.,  Finite Element Analysis., Mechanics of Materials., Turbomachinery., Automation & Robotics., Rapid Prototyping.

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning.

Post Graduation Level

Advanced Machine Design., Fracture Mechanics.

Fair Accountable & Transparent ML, ML System Optimization, Deep Neural Networks.

Patents Published

1. Design of Solar power powered mini rice mill ,  The Patent Office Journal No. 31/2020 Dated 31/07/2020 page 28752

2. IOT BASED INTELLIGENT SOLAR WATER HEATER, The Patent Office Journal No. 32/2020 Dated 07/08/2020 page 30130

3. LOCKING MECHANISM FOR PUTTU MAKING CYLINDER, The Patent Office Journal No. 39/2020 Dated 25/09/2020 Page 42979

4. DIGITAL MINI DRAFTER, The Patent Office Journal No. 39/2020 Dated 25/09/2020 Page 43033

5. INTEGRATED HEATING SYSTEM AND TEMPERATURE MONITORING FOR VACUUM FLASK, The Patent Office Journal No. 41/2020 Dated 09/10/2020  Page 52417

6. NOVEL DESIGN FOR DOMESTIC STRING HOPPER MACHINE, The Patent Office Journal No. 07/2021 Dated 12/02/2021, Page 6844.

7. SONAR BASED WALKING STICK FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED, The Patent Office Journal No. 07/2023 Dated 17/02/2023, Pg 11299.

8. : Specimen failure indicator for Polariscope equipment , The Patent Office Journal No. 08/2023 Dated 24/02/2023 , Pg. 12926

Areas of Interest in Research

Mechanism synthesis., Robot Kinematics., Machine Design., Additive Manufacturing., Materials Processing.

Research Publications

1.  Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu, " A New computational Methodology for the Synthesis of Simple Jointed Kinematic chains", AIP Conference proceedings 2134, 070003 (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5120237

2. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu," In Quest of a Reliable and Efficient isomorphism index for Simple Jointed Kinematic Chains",  AIP  Conference Proceedings, 2134, 070003 (2019). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5120238

3. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu," In Quest of a Reliable and Efficient isomorphism index for Multiple Jointed Kinematic Chains", AIP  Conference Proceedings, 2134, 070005 (2019).DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5120239

4. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu, " A Computational Method for Synthesis of Baranov Truss from Simple Jointed Kinematic Chains", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2341, 020027 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0049932

5. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu, " A computational methodology for detection of distinct mechanisms from simple jointed kinematic chains", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2341, 020026 (2021). DOI:https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0049931

6. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu, " Structural synthesis and analysis of 12-link, 3–freedom simple jointed kinematic chain", AIP Conference Proceedings, 2341, 020031 (2021). DOI: https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0049933

7. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup , Harish babu, " A Computational Methodology for Synthesis of Assur Groups", Advances in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Applications, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0909-1_39.

8. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup , Harish babu,  "A Methodology for Derivation of Isomorphism Index for Epicyclic Gear Transmission Systems, Advances in Materials Processing and Manufacturing Applications" Lecture notes in Mechanical Engineering, Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-0909-1_40.

9. Manikandan H, S Anjani Kumar Ojha" An investigation into Parametric Modelling and FDM based Rapid Prototyping of Lumbar Spine",  CEME (2020), IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1168 (2021) 012008. IOP Publishing, doi:10.1088/1757-899X/1168/1/012008

10. Manikandan H, Cyril S" Modelling and Analysis of SUV Chasis", CEME (2020), IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1168 (2021) 012024. IOP Publishing, DOI:10.1088/1757-899X/1168/1/012024.

11. Mankandan H, Vijayananda Kaup , Harish babu, " A Computational Methodology for Synthesis of Epicyclic Gear Transmission System Configurations with Multiple Planetary Gear Trains", FME Transactions (2022) 50, 433-440.                              DOI: 10.5937/fme2203433H

12. G. Senthilkumar, T. Mayavan and H. Manikandan, Prediction of mechanical characteristics of friction welded dissimilar EN 10028P 355 GH steel and AISI 430 steel joint by fuzzy logic analysis, Materials Today: Proceedings, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.08.419 

13.  Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu" Rendering Abstract Notation of Kinematic Chains to Modified Franke's Notation form", Futuristic Research in Modeling of Dynamical Systems (FRMDS 2022) , IOP Publishing: Journal of Physics (Conference Series), 2332 (2022) 012010 , doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2332/1/012010 .

14. Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu" Identification of Cospectral Simple Jointed Kinematic Chains using Characteristic Polynomial of Degree Matrix and Structural Matrix ", Futuristic Research in Modeling of Dynamical Systems (FRMDS 2022) , IOP Publishing: Journal of Physics (Conference Series), 2332 (2022) 012009.   doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2332/1/012009 

15.  Manikandan H, Vijayananda Kaup, Harish Babu" Structural Enumeration of cam modulated linkages", , Recent Advances in Machines and Mechanisms, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-3716-3_3 .

16. Cyril S,Manikandan H,  "Optimisation of engine and transmission mounting system for a V6 front wheel vehicle", Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 72, Part 4, 2023, Pages 2564-2568. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2022.10.028