Contact Me Page

Welcome Fourth Grade Students and Families! My name is Mrs. Sunderman. This is my 14th year of teaching at Garfield. The first five years I taught 1st grade. This is my 9th year teaching 4th grade. Mr. Sunderman works in purchasing at NSK Clarinda. My son graduated from ISU last May and is working at NSK as an electrical engineer. My daughter will be a sophomore at University of Iowa.

I hope you will visit our website often!

Contact Information:

Office Hours: These are the times that I will be answering e-mails or am available to meet with you.

M, T, W, & F: 9:55-10:20 am

M-Th: 3:30-4:00 pm

Phone: 712-542-4510


Here's a little more information to help you get to know me better!

Click on this picture to learn more about me!