
Welcome to my Teacher Academic Profile (TAP) website. I am Yaseen Mammand Omar Galali , Lecturer at the Department of Nutrition, Faculty of Health Technology, Cihan University-Erbil.

I am teaching the following courses:

  1. Biochemistry (CUE52027)

          1. Introduction to Nutrition (CUE52001)

                  1. Functional Foods CUE52036

          1. Nutritional Epidemiology (CUE52042)

My Scientific Publications are:

  1. Miraculous Properties of Camel Milk and Perspective of modern Science.

  2. Novelty Formulas of Free Gluten Flat Bread for Coeliac Disease Patients

  3. Prediction of Wheat Functionality by Assessing Dough and Bread Characteristics

My Research interests are:

    1. Human nutrition

    2. Functional food

    3. Food quality and nutrition

    4. Food safety

    5. Nutritional epidemiology

e-mail: xxxx.xxxxxx@cihanuniversity.edu.iqMobile: (+964) - 771 234 5678ORCID: http://orcid.org/My Google Scholar Page link: click hereMy calendar: click here
