Guidelines for in-person worship


Guidelines for in-person worship during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Following are Resurrection's guidelines for attending in-person worship. We have taken every effort to minimize the risk of spreading Covid-19, however we can not eliminate the risk. If you choose to attend in-person worship - you risk exposure to the virus. If you are in the "most vulnerable" category, feel sick, or simply don't feel comfortable worshiping in a confined space with other people, we will live stream the service via YouTube so you can participate in the service remotely in real time.

Think of these guidelines as a covenant. A way of saying: "I am counting on you to protect me and you can count on me to protect you." Think of them as a visible sign of Jesus' words "Love your neighbor as yourself," and of our mission: "To do at least as much for others as we do for ourselves" Don't think of them as a nuisance or unnecessary, because looking after each other's interests and each other's health is never a nuisance and never unnecessary.


The exterior Sanctuary doors will be propped open prior to the service by the ushers so you will not need to touch them. The ushers will greet you wearing a face mask or other cloth covering as you enter the narthex, but will refrain from shaking hands, hugging, etc.

You will be required to wear a face mask or other cloth face covering to help minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19 to your fellow parishioners. Remember: we cover our nose and mouth to protect those around us, not ourselves. Wearing a face covering is a very real sign of our love and affection for each other. If you do not have a mask or face covering, one will be provided.

Please refrain from visiting in the Narthex before and after the service. If you are not ready to take your seat, please remain outdoors until you are.

As you enter, you will see the sound equipment has been moved from the organ loft to the back of the church. This equipment has been relocated, because the vestry has agreed, for security reasons, the organ loft needs to be locked during worship. There will also be a camera and tripod set up for live streaming. (Note: We are looking for some folks who would like to learn how this equipment works and would like to make this their ministry. Please contact Fr. Chris if you are interested

Every other pew will be closed off and a limit of three families and/or individuals (depending on the size of each family), will occupy a pew to ensure social distancing. Please do not sit in a closed off pew. Because of the need to close off pews and to seat people 6 feet apart, it is likely that you will not be able to sit in your usual spot.

Once seated an usher may ask you to move, in order to keep the minimum requirement of six feet between persons. Please adhere to their request, they are doing this for your protection.

Prayer books, hymnals, song books and worship books have been removed from the pews. You are encouraged to bring your own prayer book and hymnal if you own one. If you do not own one and would like to, you can buy one on

We have installed monitors for projecting the service. This was by far the most popular alternative to prayer books. (Note: We are looking for some folks who would like to learn how to run the slide show and would like to make this their ministry. Please contact Fr. Chris if you are interested

In addition, we will provide an on-line service bulletin that you can access from your smartphone or tablet.

For those worshiping via YouTube, we will provide a full service bulletin in .PDF format for you to download and/or print out. It will be accessible on the live stream page.

We will not be handing out printed full service bulletins, so some may want to print the .pdf file and bring it to church. Please don't share printed materials with anyone except an immediate family member and take them home with you when you leave. We will provide an announcement sheet, with the order of service as usual. This will be on the cabinet as you enter the church. It will not be handed to you by the ushers.

Cushions have been removed from the pews. If you require a cushion, we ask that you bring one from home and take it with you when you leave.

If we exceed the number of people we can safely accommodate in the Sanctuary, we will open Ferguson Hall and live stream the service to the hall. Until then, Ferguson Hall is open for access to restrooms only.


Per Bishop Reed's instructions, childcare will not be provided until further notice.

Lectors will sit on the acolyte bench behind the lectern and along the North wall. There will be no need for LEMs. All worship leaders are required to wear masks unless reading or speaking.

During "The Peace" please refrain from any physical contact with each other - including shaking hands, hugging, fist-bumping, high-fiving, etc. Nodding and bowing, while not ideal, are both acceptable ways of acknowledging each other. If you would like to lower your mask for a few seconds to smile, that is also acceptable.

There will be no oblations taken to the altar, and no offerings will be presented. Collection plates will be placed in front of the first pew for people to deposit their offering.

Congregational singing will be kept to a minimum and must be done with a mask on. We will use cantors and instrumental music as much as possible.

Communion will be distributed in the form of bread only. The ushers will release one pew at a time to move forward row-by-row alternating sides in a manner that ensures that six feet of separation is maintained. Fr. Chris will be standing at the front, in the center and you will receive communion standing up. Fr. Chris will sanitize his hands immediately before the distribution of communion and will drop the wafer in your hands to avoid contact. He will also be wearing a mask.

A prayer inviting the Holy Spirit and accepting God's grace will be said as a sign of "spiritual communion" for those who do not come forward or are participating at home. This is a perfectly valid way to receive the sacrament.


The ushers will release the congregation row-by-row to maintain social distancing.

There will be no "receiving line" following the service.

Per Bishop Reed's instructions, in-person fellowship, coffee hour, meals, bible studies, Sunday School, etc. are suspended until further notice. We are still working on a solution for a virtual Sunday Bible Study.

If you wish to congregate after the service, for a few minutes, please do so on the front lawn or in the parking lot to maintain six feet of separation. Please refrain from gathering in the courtyard, rector's garden and by the sanctuary or kitchen doors.


All seating areas will be disinfected before and after each service.

Public surfaces will be disinfected before and after each service. This includes doorknobs, altar rails, pews, kneelers, contact areas in restrooms, etc.

The Altar Guild will, as they have always done, sanitize communion vessels and items used during services.

Any printed materials will not be reused and must be discarded. Please take written materials home with you and do not share them with anyone else

Hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes will be available in the narthex for personal use.