Welcome to Mrs. Dalan's Class Site

Welcome to Mrs. Dalan's Classroom Webpage

I teach the following classes this school year:

  • Biology

  • Advanced Biology

  • Marine Biology

Each class has a GOOGLE CLASSROOM with assignments/powerpoints/video clips. Please check with your student about viewing their access. Your student is able to add you as a parent contact within google classroom.

GOOGLE CLASSROOM is our class' PRIMARY learning tool during any extended school closure. Please see your students google classroom for course syllabi.

Students who are absent due to COVID reason:

  • Students are expected to email me to request work missed. This should be repeated at the beginning of each week, as class activity plans could change and to give the student time to complete previous week's work.

  • In response to the initial student email, they will receive links and attachments to work that may need to be printed at home. If they are not able to print work at home, there may be a way for the student to pick up assigned work at the HS main office.

While students are on campus-

Class Expectations

Students are expected to come ready to learn. Be prepared to participate in hands-on STEM-based activities.Understand that every student is important - meaning that you are expected to show respect and follow class and school rules.
Cell phones are a distraction - to students and teachers. Understand that if you are using your phone without permission, you or your parents may be picking that phone up in the office & assigned detention.
The purpose of high school science is to prepare you for the demands of college, tech school, or that future job. If you are struggling to understand what is being asked of you, it is your job to find a way to understand this information.
The following is a list of resources you can use to help you LEARN and GROW:
  • ME
  • This website
  • Google Classroom for PowerPoints & occasional classroom activities
  • Your parents
  • Videos found on the internet (see video tab for science videos)

Student Expectations

It is critical for your success in this class that you take responsibility for your own learning and advocate (speak up) for yourself!

Successful students will:

1. Check email, Google classroom and Skyward daily

2. Complete and turn Wednesday work (asynchronous)

3. Maintain an organized binder/including properly updated DET at all times

4. Bring completed assignments at the beginning of class every synchronous day

5. Communicate with teachers – if absent due to COVID, it is very important that you email me to get the assignments/activities that you will be missing

6. Participate in class - work/be productive during class time, bring your science notebook, writing instrument and Chromebook to class, wear your mask properly at all times, participate in the required cleaning procedure at the end of the period.

This year is going to be a great year!

“Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.”

John Dewey