Mrs DiIorio's Home Page


Thank you for taking the time to view my web site. This site is primarily for housing information students may want after they complete the class as well as information parents may want to access while their students are taking these classes. Daily materials and assignments for students are posted in Google Classroom.

Each class that I teach has three pages.

1. On the main class page you will find a brief description of the course objectives.

2. The Docs sub-page will contain links to documents such as the course requirements document, a guide to interpreting my grading system on the parent portal , curriculum documents from Chatham and the State. I also have included some policy description and rationale documents that go into more detail than the course requirements document on what I do and why I am choosing to do it that way.

3. The Links sub-page contains links that students may wish to reference after their course work has concluded.

Tip: How to post an announcement, student of the month, word of the week, or new assignments