Welcome to the wonderful world of Biology, the study of life. In this course, you will study the characteristics and processes of life. Here is a little about this course policies.

Grading: Grades are calculated using categories. The categories are:

- Assessments (50%) – Unit tests, quizzes, projects and anything designed to measure whether or not you mastered the material

- Lab Work (35%) - Labs, college readiness work (ACT) and skill development

- Daily Work (15%) – Homework, classwork, walk-ins, and anything used for practice

Semester Grades: The first and second semesters are graded independently. The semester grade is calculated so that each quarter is 45% and the exam is 10%. Exam exemptions are allowed according to school policy and may be used either semester (but not both semesters).

Canvas vs. Skyward Grades: Some assignments will be completed or submitted on Canvas. These grades are visible from Canvas’s “grades” tab. However, This view reflects only those assignments on Canvas, not all assignments in the course. Consequently, while the individual assignment grades on this view will be accurate, the total grade will not. Skyward grades alone reflect the accurate course grade.

Required Materials: Students are required to bring their course materials to class. These include a Chromebook, a writing utensil, and course handouts/assignments. A composition notebook (bound with cloth) is also required. It is recommend that students organize their papers in a binder dedicated to Biology. Using dividers to separate each unit’s material is an excellent way to organize your materials. Earbuds, highlighters, and notecards are also recommended.

General Policies

· Absences: Students are responsible for finding out what work was missed or turned in during an absence and for completing that work. Assignments can be found on Canvas. A schedule of the activities done each day can be found online too. Additional inquiries can be made via email from home or in person when students return to school. Extra copies of handouts can be found in the bin on the south wall, and many can be found on Canvas. According to school policy, students have one day for every day missed to turn in the missing work. Students requiring additional time MUST discuss it before the work is due.

· Late Work: All work is expected to be turned in on time. Late work will be subject to a reduction of points. All late work, regardless of how late it is, should be turned in.

· Walk-Ins and Outs: Students will answer a warm-up question when class starts and ends. Walk-ins and outs are graded for completeness and reasonable effort and must be made up if absent. Students will complete their responses on their Chromebooks.

· Assessments: Test/quiz corrections and retakes of tests are not permitted per department policy. Students may opt to do corrections for a modest amount of Monty Money. All completed tests will be stored in the classroom; however, students may review their work during resource time.

· Monty Money: Monty Money is like play money that I use for extra credit and rewarding positive behavior in class. Money can be used to purchase privileges and incentives. It is the students’ responsibility to keep track of their money and to spend it wisely.

· Device Usage: Chromebooks are valuable tools that should be used appropriately. Appropriate use includes bringing them charged and ready to use and closing them when not required for class. (i.e. – Students should not be playing games or on YouTube during class.) Cell phones should not be used, or even out, without permission.

· Backpacks: Students are now allowed to carry backpacks to class. Backpacks should be stored hanging from desk chairs, under desks or lining the wall. Backpacks should never be in the aisles, labs or other walkways as it is a safety issue.

· Academic Integrity: Academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes not only plagiarism and cheating but also copying another student’s work. Collaboration is encouraged in many situations, but each individual’s work must be original (even labs) unless permission has been granted otherwise.

Classroom Expectations:

1. Come to class on time and be ready to start at the bell.

2. Come to class prepared with the necessary materials; habitual requests to go to your locker will not be granted.

3. Clean up after yourself, especially in lab. Recycle appropriate materials.

4. Adhere to the Lab Safety Contract and follow all additional instructions for labs.

5. Try not to disrupt class when we are working in a large group.

6. Be respectful of yourself, your classmates and me.

7. Do not touch anything out on the lab tables or on or behind my desk without permission.


1. Online Lesson Plans – I use an online lesson planner. Though content and assignment due dates will be on Canvas, students and parents can use the site to see what activities were done each class.

2. Playposit - Occasionally, this class will be flipped. That is students will watch portions of the lecture at home on video using a website called playposit and work during class time. This not only allows students to get the notes at their own pace but also makes it so that work can be done in class collaboratively or with help from the teacher. Playposit also provides great feedback from each student as students are asked to answer questions as they watch.

3. Remind – Sign up to receive text messages about class including reminders. To sign-up, text @black1-hb, @chs-hbio2 or @chs-hbio4 to the number 81010.

4. Class Website – The class website has information for parents, who cannot access the full Canvas site. It is available at: https://sites.google.com/a/cedarburg.k12.wi.us/honors-monty/

5. Help in Person – Getting help directly from teachers is always a good ideal. Help is available during resource time, occasionally after school or by appointment. There are commonly review sessions before assessments.

Major Units:

Nature of Biology, Ecology, Biochemistry, Cells, Cellular Energy, Cell Cycle, Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Natural Selection and Classification, and Viruses and Prokaryotes