Group Presentation Descriptions

This list contains descriptions of topics that Cecala Career Consultants presents to groups interested in learning more about the job search process. If your group is interested, please contact us for further details. All presentations can be tailored to your group’s specific perspective or needs.

Job Search - Basics & Plans

Work Search Buddies: Finding success with a little help from a friend

Do you ever have trouble getting motivated to start your search in the morning? Are you not getting the results you want from your resume or networking? Are you frustrated, ready to quit your search? Maybe a buddy to lean on will help keep the motivation going and give you the important feedback you need to keep on track, be more productive and find success in your search. Learn the “hands-on” steps needed to find and successfully utilize a Work Search (Accountability) Buddy.

Order your copy of "Work Search Buddies: Finding Success with a Little Help from a Friend" here

Project Planning Your Job Search: A practical work search methodology

A pragmatic, action oriented project planning process to identify the specific employers you want to work for and how to seek out the positions you are best suited for. Map out a strategic job search project plan by scoping out your search, identifying the milestones, developing clear benchmarks and measurable metrics, setting a flexible but realistic timeline, and a dashboard to share.

It provides lots of actionable tools you can use today to shortcut your work search and achieve employment in the most efficient way.

Background Checks and References – What are employer’s learning about you?!

An in-depth look at the many different ways employers are delving into candidate’s pasts to determine their suitability for the job. The interview is just one step. The background and reference check is a completely separate and extensive step made much easier by the internet.

What are employers learning about you? What can you do to ensure they learn what you want? These are just two of the important questions answered in this presentation. Leave with many steps you can take today to improve your background and reference check.

See a Presentation Topic that your Group needs?



Get the OFFER! – A killer interview technique that works

Describes several interview techniques that have garnered success in getting a job offer in over 90% of the interviews. Create stories that answer all the interviewer’s questions before being asked. How to do the research needed to get the job.

The Morale Dilemma – What to do when you lose your desire to job search

Discusses ways to make every day of your job search productive and positive. It looks at some of the reasons job seekers lose momentum in their job search and provides some specific strategies to prevent stagnation from setting in. It further identifies specific steps the job seeker can take to keep the transition mentally and emotionally positive.

Networking - Efficacy & Efficiency

Listening To Create an Effective Network Workshop

Too often people fret that they either do not know how to start a networking conversation or cannot remember the people they spoke to. In most cases, being better listeners a make both these concerns disappear. This interactive workshop will allow participants to practice new or existing listening skills. Perfect 3 types of listening – Intentional, Inquisitive, and Reflective. Learn how better listening and less talking makes others more memorable.

Stop Networking, Start Connecting: Practicing Relationship Building Techniques

This is a practical, participatory workshop with multiple opportunities to practice the skills discussed. It focuses on creating memorable images as the speaker and the listener in a conversation. Significant emphasis is placed on creating relationships, improving listening skills to make better connections, and understanding how to speak to the listeners needs.

Making the most of your Network! Practical strategies for your job

A discussion of the value of networking, simple, proven and practical ways for the networking novice to use the contacts he/she has to increase their network and focus the network on assisting with his/her job search. Key elements of the conversation include: becoming memorable, helping others first, tracking your network connections, conversation starters, and more.

Resume - Writing & Trends

Resume Writing 101

A presentation on the basics of writing a resume that will sell the author into a position. Discussion looks at writing a resume from the employer’s viewpoint versus the job seeker’s; the purpose of position statements; basic headings and formatting the information within them. This is best if done at computer stations with the audience working directly on their resume; however, it can be presented lecture style as well.

Current Trends in Resume Writing

Up-to-the-minute concepts in writing a killer sales document. Explores ways to handle past difficulties, gaps in employment, changing careers, and other issues to improve your resume. Some time is spent on specifics of font types and other formatting issues. This is best if done at computer stations with the audience working directly on their resume; however, it can be presented lecture style as well.

Career Growth - Job Landscape & Options

Take Control of your Future! How to thrive, not just survive in today’s work environment

Every day we are asked to manage more and more aspects of our career from negotiating compensation and promotions, managing health and life insurance to managing our supervisor and creating multiple career paths to success. This workshop will help with navigating many of these issues to ensure greater longevity with your current employer and being more persuasive in getting promoted to separating on your terms for positive career growth.

The NEW Employment Model! Managing our career in the new millennium

The landscape has changed. Permanent employment with one company seems to have gone away. Understanding what the new employment model is and how to fit into it is essential to career success. Explore what jobs and careers look like in this new way of doing business. We will look at a different take on networking, what defines job success and career success. Develop a new outlook on how to create income stability and growth as well as consistent work.

Sustainability - Careers & Value

What are Sustainable Jobs Anyway? Finding employment in the “Green economy”

Explore the myriad of job possibilities in the rising “Green Economy”. What do sustainable jobs look like? Where do I find them? What options are there for these jobs? How do I create a green job for myself? These are some of the questions addressed in this 75 minute presentation.

Creating Career Sustainability by Adding Green Value

What is a job in sustainability? How can I increase my value to my employer by adding environmental sustainability skills to my skill set? Today, employers want employees that continually bring new skills, interests and value to the company. Learn how to keep your job by becoming the expert in sustainability and help propel your company into the new green economy.

Don’t see the topic you want? Let us know; we’ll create the presentation you want!