Effective Networking (Part 1) -
Go Where the Employed Go!
By Paul Cecala, November 15, 2019
Over the past decade I have met and worked with many people in transition at a host of networking meetings held around the state of New Jersey. Most are meetings of the unemployed . . . for the unemployed. A consistent theme I hear said by attendees is no one they know is getting a job.
I suggest that it is because we are networking in the wrong places! Instead, we need to network at the meetings where the employed go – trade and professional association meetings, alumni associations, social networking group meetings, professional workshops and seminars.
For example:
Ted was a client who had over 8 years experience in the technical customer service industry. Previously he had attended the NJ Chapter meetings of the Help Desk Institute (HDI). Recently, he found himself unemployed and decided to go to a couple HDINJ meetings. While there, he met supervisors of 3 different target companies. He not only met these people but began developing relationships with them. In just a few weeks one of them called asking to interview Ted for a job.
Let me be clear, I believe strongly in the value of attending networking meetings for the unemployed. They often have speakers teaching the latest techniques on job search. And, hearing both the successes and failures of fellow job seekers can help to refine one’s job search process. But this should be only one strategy in a comprehensive job search marketing plan. In fact, I recommend attending only one or 2 such meetings per month. Attending gatherings of employed professionals should happen as many as one per week if possible.
Often if you volunteer to help in organizing or running the event or meeting, you can go for little or no cost. Many associations will let unemployed individuals attend several meetings for free or without being a formal member as a kind of "try before you buy". Many the social networking meetings found on LinkedIn or MeetUp Groups only cost the drinks I had while there. And technology is seeing some go virtual!
Where have you been networking? What has been your success with these places?
About the Author:
Paul Cecala, certified as a Career Coach by the 5 O'Clock certified Career Coach in 2008, is the author of "Work Search Buddies: Finding a Job With A Little Help From A Friend," published June 2020. He is the Lead Career Consultant at Cecala Career Consultants with decades of experience having helped over 3,000+ former job seekers find career success. He has taught over 500 seminars and workshops on conducting successful job searches.
Paul Cecala can help you navigate to your success. Learn more about his services here.