MHS Beta Club

National Beta Club is the largest independent, non-profit, educational youth organization in America. And for more than 80 years, it has prepared today's students to be tomorrow's leaders. Learn more at

The MHS Beta Club is part of the National Beta Club, an academic honor society with emphasis on service in the community.

¨Let Us Lead by Serving Others¨

Faculty Sponsors:

Jennifer Pendley:

Monica Smith:

Andrea Hoyle:

Each fall semester, the MHS Beta Club will hold an induction ceremony to add new members. Members must be in grades 10, 11 or 12 and meet the following criteria:


Members must exhibit creditable achievement and have a cumulative weighted GPA of
3.75 or higher.

(Members will be required to keep a 3.75 until graduation in order to remain in the Beta Club.)


Members must exhibit worthy character at MHS.

(The discipline record, from the previous year, of each inductee will be checked to evaluate any discipline incidents. )


Members should possess characteristics of leadership and a desire to serve others

(The MHS staff will evaluate potential members and approve students for membership.)