Welcome to Social Studies!!
Grade 7: World Cultures and Geography
Grade 8: United States History
Social Studies Department Philosophy
The purpose of social studies education is to prepare students to understand and accept the role that responsible citizens play in a democratic society. ~Students must be armed with the necessary skills, knowledge, values, and motivation to define their role and be able to act on it in a constructive manner. ~Achieving this purpose requires that students understand the diversity and changing nature of society and the many national and international issues presently confronting all global citizens.
All members of this class will respect each other and the teacher regardless of any differences that one may have with another member of the class. In addition any disruption of the class by students will result in disciplinary action.
Classroom student-centered classroom activities and discussion guidelines and expectations will be collaboratively set in the beginning of the year. Failure to adhere to the guidelines set will result in disciplinary action.
Resources Preferred:
1. 1 subject notebook and folder
2. Pens
3. Pencils
4. Highlighters
5. Headphones
5. Student Agenda/Planbook
Grade Distribution:
Your grade will be determined using the following approximate percentages:
Homework: 15%
Tests: 30%
Quizzes: 25%
Projects: 20%
Current Events: 10%
Homework: When homework is given, it is due at the beginning of class. A student should have some type of social studies work Mondays through Thursday. This will consist of background information reading, written assignments, current event assignments, project work, etc. Parents and students should check the grading portal on, at least, a weekly basis. The students have until the date indicated in the portal to complete the missing or late work. After the Friday the late assignments will remain a zero.
Written assignments are to be done neatly, legibly, in complete sentences, and on white paper. Homework may also be done using a computer.
Unless there is an illness or special circumstances, any work handed in late will be given a penalty if not turned in the day that it is due. It is the student’s responsibility to ask me for work that they have missed. All work turned in after the date due will be graded but with a loss in one letter grade (10 points). After that date any assignment not turned in will result in a loss of credit for that assignment. Any additional time will only be given at my discretion for those students with a valid reason for why their work is not turned in.
Quizzes/Tests: Quizzes and tests will be announced at least one week before they are to be given.
Projects: Group projects will be graded using a predetermined rubric. There will be one rubric for the individual, and for some projects, another for the group.
Quizzes and Tests: Those students who knew that there was a quiz or test given the day(s) of their absence, must take the quiz or test the day they return to class. All students will know when quizzes and tests are because you are required to have a plan book where you will write your daily homework and any tests or quizzes. The students who are absent for an extended period of time must make arrangements to take the quiz or test when they return.
Projects: Those students who are absent the day a project is given must see me to obtain the details of the project assigned on the day they return to class. Those who are absent on the day a project is due must be ready to hand in the project on the day they return to class.
Homework: Those students who are absent must check with me on what the assignment was for the day(s) missed.
*Students must use the bathroom before class begins. There will be no passes given unless it is an emergency.
*There will be no locker passes given during class. Students must have ALL the items needed for class at the beginning of class.
*Passes to the nurse’s office will be given if needed.
*Regardless of the type of pass, the privilege of their use will not be abused.
Late Passes:
If you must come in late to class, please do so quietly. You should have obtained a late pass that will be placed on my desk when you enter the classroom quietly. All students are to be in class, seated, and ready to begin class when the bell has rung with book, binder/notebook, agenda, pen and/or pencil on their desk. When there is a need to leave class, it should be done in a quiet manner without disrupting the class.
Extra Help:
Students should feel free to seek extra help from me whenever they are having difficulty with a particular topic that we are studying or if they have been absent for a period of time. I am available before school, during lunch (7th grade lunch) and after school. If students would like to set up a time to receive extra help, they can contact me during class or by leaving a note for me in the main office.
Please click below for the Team Pages: