Outcomes Assessment Review Coordinator

The Outcomes Assessment Coordinator oversees all campus assessment activities, providing training and support to campus departments, serving as an assessment resource on committees and chairing the Outcomes Assessment Review Committee.

The Outcomes Assessment Coordinator position was created in the Spring of 2002 and is currently a half-time position. The job has evolved and expanded along with Cabrillo’s assessment plans and activities. See Milestones for more details.

Job Responsibilities

1. Assessment Training: The Coordinator trains Cabrillo faculty and staff to:

  • Write Instructional SLOs for individual courses, degrees and certificates.
  • Write Student Service SLOs.
  • Write Administrative Unit Outcomes (AUOs).
  • Design assessment processes.
  • Assess those SLOs and AUOs along with the college core competencies (the Core 4).
  • Create rubrics to assess student work.
  • Use SLO and AUO assessment data in Program Planning.
  • Organize and schedule departmental SLO or AUO assessment.

This training occurs through flex workshops, department and division meetings, individual sessions and through the creation of workbooks posted on this website.

2. Program Planning Assistance: The Coordinator works intensively with departments undergoing Program Planning to:

  • Revise current SLOs or AUOs.
  • Assess those SLOs or AUOs and the college core competencies.
  • Revise assessment processes when needed.
  • Analyze assessment data for departmental planning.
  • Schedule departmental SLO and AUO assessment.

3. Outcomes Assessment Review Committee (OARC): The Coordinator chairs and facilitates the work of the committee which includes:

  • Reading campus assessment reports from all departments going through Program Planning in an individual year.
  • Analyzing those assessment results, looking for trends and emerging issues.
  • Analyzing the campus assessment processes.
  • Writing committee's annual report.
  • Initiating a campus dialogue process on assessment issues when needed.
  • Dealing with institutional effectiveness issues.

The Outcomes Coordinator is also responsible for communicating the results of the work of the committee to the Governing Board and the Faculty Senate and undertaking any tasks assigned by the committee to improve Cabrillo's assessment processes.

4. Accreditation: The Coordinator assists with accreditation activities:

  • Provides assessment data for accreditation reports.
  • Scrutinizes portions of the Self-Evaluation that deal with SLOs and AUOs to check for accuracy and evidence.

5. Council for Instructional Planning: The Coordinator serves on CIP, acting as a resource, and is an non-voting member of the committee. The Coordinator:

  • Reads all program plans.
  • Works with any program chairs whose SLO assessment portions of the plan need revising.
  • Helps program chairs schedule the next six years of SLO and Core 4 assessment.
  • Assists the Council in developing quality assurance plans and policies for SLO assessment.

6. Faculty Senate: The Coordinator serves as a liaison to the Cabrillo Faculty Senate by:

  • Making reports on assessment issues at every meeting, keeping the Senate appraised of assessment developments.
  • Bringing recommendations and the annual report from the Outcomes Assessment Review Committee to the Senate for their approval.

7. Curriculum Work: The Coordinator serves as one of the readers for the college's Curriculum approval process.

  • Reads and approves the SLO sections of curriculum proposals.
  • Presents suggestions for revision to the faculty who originated the course; works with them through individual sessions to complete those revisions.
  • Writes the SLO portions of the Curriculum Handbook.

8. Education: The Coordinator educates the college community about SLO and AUO matters.

  • Plans and facilitates Flex activities.
  • Makes presentations to Governing Board, both unions, Senates, Divisions and departments as needed.

9. SLO Web Page: The Coordinator produces and maintains the SLO web page.

Annual Reports: At the beginning of Cabrillo's assessment efforts, the Outcomes Coordinator wrote a detailed annual report. With the advent of the Outcomes Assessment Committee's own annual report, the account from the Coordinator was seen as unnecessary. The reports below reflect Cabrillo's early history with SLO Assessment. The current ARC reports can be found on the Assessment Review Committee tab at the top of this page.