SLO Subcommittee Report Fall 2005

SLO Subcommittee Report

for College Curriculum Committee

Fall 2005

Subcommittee members:

Marcy Alancraig, English, chair

Michael Mangin, History

Dave Schwartz, Geology and Oceanography


278 courses proposals examined

77 approved – 28% of total

29 approved because they were not required to write SLOs

48 approved who wrote SLOs - 17% of total

201 returned – 72% of total

87 returned because they didn’t list Core Competency #4

114 returned because SLOs needed to be rewritten – 41% of total

See detailed report below for lists of the specific courses.


1. Core competency #4, Personal Responsibility and Professional Development, should be always included unless the class doesn’t require any student work, student attendance or coming on time. We suggest:

      • Changing the curriculum handbook to reflect this
      • Altering Fiesta to reflect this
  1. More training of Division Curriculum Committees in how to write SLOs so that they can work with faculty and/or send back proposals that need help.