Flex Activities

Student Learning Outcomes

Professional Development Activities

January 1999 — present

Spring Flex, January 1999

Guest Speaker - Dr. Ruth Mitchell, The Education Trust

Ruth Mitchell, Principal Partner at the Education Trust since 1995, is a nationally known analyst of K-12 educational policy, especially the academic core of schooling-standards, curriculum, instruction, and assessment. She works with the Education Trust's Community Compacts for Student Success and K-16 Councils, and is now developing a project on baccalaureate standards in state postsecondary education systems.

Fall Flex, August 1999

Learning Strategies and Outcomes

Marcy Alancraig

Based on outcomes from the summer retreat attended by faculty and division chairs a panel discussion will be presented. Topics covered will include classroom assessment techniques, learning styles, learning inventories and teaching strategies. Come hear how faculty can use this information in the class to increase student success.

Spring Flex, January 2000

Learner Outcomes II — What Works and What Doesn't Using the Learner Outcome Model

Marcy Alancraig

Participants in the summer Learner Outcome Institute will report on the successes and failure of using the learner outcome model in classes this fall. Come learn what happened as the group took the theories they learned this summer into the classroom.

Fall Flex, August 2000

Excellence is Everyone’s Job

All College Day Presentation, Dr. John E. Roueche, Director, Community College Leadership Program, University of Texas at Austin

Spring Flex, January 2001

An Odyssey of Discovery: Using Learner Outcomes Techniques in the Classroom

Marcy Alancraig

Join Marcy Alancraig and members of the Learner Outcomes Summer Institute to hear how they have used this exciting educational approach in a variety of transfer and occupational classrooms at Cabrillo. A report about their adventures attending the California Assessment Institute will also be included.

Fall Flex, August 2002

Teaching Outside the Box

Marcy Alancraig

Tired of the old tried and true methods of teaching? Explore learner centered teaching techniques that take students off-campus. Embodying the principles we will be discussing, this activity will move from the classroom to Nisene Marks State Park in Aptos. Bring comfortable walking shoes and a bag lunch.

What the *!#? is a Learner Outcome and Why Should I be Afraid of it?

Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

Come learn about how the new accreditation standards may change teaching life as we know it at Cabrillo. The Faculty Senate Learner Outcomes Committee will share their creative responses to the new standards. Help us design pilot projects that will satisfy the standards and preserve Cabrillo faculty's autonomy and individuality.

Spring Flex, January 2003

Planning Your Department’s Future – Program Planning

Claire Biancalana and Marcy Alancraig

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process, obtain program data, and talk about connecting this process with the College Master Plan. Special condensed session of the Learner Outcomes Institute will be provided as well as lunch. This is a mandatory meeting for those faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process.

Fall Flex, August 2003

The New General Ed. Learner Outcomes and You!

Rory O'Brien and Nancy A. Brown

Come join the discussion on the application of the new general education learner outcomes that have been adopted by the college. The co-presenters will first discuss the impact of the latest accreditation standards and learner outcomes and how we can best integrate these ideas into our courses. Then we will conduct a workshop and brainstorming session on ways to apply the gen. ed. outcomes to your individual classes.

Spring Flex, January 2004

Planning Your Department’s Future—Program Planning

Claire Biancalana, Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review and begin the process. A special session on Student Learning Outcomes will be provided as well as lunch. This is a mandatory meeting for those faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process.

Creating and Applying Rubrics for Writing Evaluation

David Sheftman, Diane Putnam and Panel

New accreditation standards and the push toward learner outcomes models are pressuring faculty to make transparent the evaluative measures used when assessing and grading student performance. Join English Department faculty as we discuss rubrics for diagnosing and articulating levels of performance in student writing across basic skills, associate, and transfer-level English courses.

Student Learning Outcomes and Core Competencies—Part I

Rory O’Brien, Nancy Brown, Jack Turner and Claire Biancalana

Learn what a Student Learning Outcome is and how they fit into our General Education Core Competencies. This workshop will allow faculty and those in student services to better understand how their courses and services are connected to the core competencies.

Coming to Terms With Assessment—Part II

Rory O’Brien, Jack Turner and Claire Biancalana

Find out how to take learner outcomes to the next level—assessment. This workshop will focus on student learning outcomes and how to measure them. Learn how to use activities from the classroom to assess learner outcomes.

Student Learning Outcomes for Occupational Education Programs

Marcy Alancraig

Learn the role that Student Learning Outcomes for occupational programs will play in the new accreditation process.

Student Services and Student Learning Outcomes

Dr. John Baker and Terrence Willett

Learn about the role Student Services will play in the assessment of Student Learning Outcomes as related to accreditation standards.

Distance Education Learning Outcomes—How Do We Measure Up?

Francine Van Meter

Join in a discussion of guidelines and minimum standards for technology-mediated delivery. What are best practices and the minimum standards for distance course delivery in the California Community Colleges? What do you feel every educator should know about using technology in the classroom or for distance education?

Fall Flex, January 2004

Learning Outcomes I

Marcy Alancraig, Rory O’Brien, Nancy A. Brown, Claire Biancalana

Come find out what student learning outcomes have to do with Cabrillo’s general education core competencies. In this workshop you’ll learn what S.L.O.’s and our core competencies are all about, and how they can be applied to the courses you teach.

Fiesta and Learner Outcomes

Dale Attias

Wondering just how you’ll get the curriculum in your program plan ready? Questions about FIESTA and Learner Outcomes? Questions about curriculum in general or specifically? This session is devoted to assist any instructor working on any course, but especially for those working on program planning and to show off new additions to FIESTA.

Transparent Teaching: Student Learning Outcomes in the Classroom

Marcy Alancraig

Skeptical about the new accreditation standards and its emphasis on student learning outcomes? Wondering how all this talk about learning outcomes will impact your classroom? Marcy Alancraig, Assessment Coordinator and former learning outcomes skeptic, will talk about how using this approach has actually improved her teaching. Using a workshop format, she will share what she’s learned and will then guide you through a process to clarify your classroom goals, improve your communication with students and make your grading easier.

2004 Instructional Planners — GE Assessment Process

Claire Biancalana, Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

This is a continuation of work for those departments in the instructional planning process. At this workshop, you will be learning how to use learning outcomes as an integral part of your instructional plan.

2005 Instructional Planners — GE Assessment Process

Claire Biancalana, Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

Participants will be able to get a head start on measuring and assessing learning outcomes in the classroom.

Spring Flex, February 2005

Food and Thought: Chewing Over Student Learning Outcomes

Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

Join us for brunch and a presentation of Cabrillo’s plan to assess student learning outcomes across the college. As you eat, we’ll “chew over” how this affects you and the entir5e campus learning community. After the initial presentation, faculty and staff will meet in break out groups and review the plan and provide feedback to this very important ongoing process of developing our student learning outcome program.

Planning Your Department’s Future—2005 Instructional Planning

Claire Biancalana, Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. A special session on Student Learning Outcomes will be provided as well as lunch.

Student Learning Outcomes and Core Competencies

Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

Learn to identify Student Learning Outcomes in your own course and learn how to assess them plus the College Core 4 Competencies. This workshop will allow faculty and those in student services to better understand how their courses and services are connected to the core competencies.

Rubric Writing

Marcy Alancraig

Using a rubric that details precisely how you grade can make your correcting easier and less time-consuming. Plus, it has the added bonus of improving communication with students. Come learn how to write one — they work for any major assignment that is not a scantron test. Those faculty involved in assessment projects for Instructional Planning find that rubric writing is the one major, time-consuming piece of work they need to do. This goal of this workshop is for you to emerge with a complete rubric in hand.

Accreditation and SLOs (Student Learning Outcomes, not San Luis Obispo)

Johanna Bowen and Julie Hanks

This past year, the presenters attended workshops and subsequent college visits for accreditation. As team members, they received and analyzed first-hand the integration of SLOs into the accreditation process. There will be examples of handbooks, handouts, and available information to share about preparing for Cabrillo’s accreditation. Discussion will include the theme versus the standard approach as well as the new 4-Standards format versus the former one (which Cabrillo completed last time). Hear about both the helpful and challenging aspects of the experience.

First Faculty Senate Meeting

Rory O’Brien and Nancy A. Brown

Be sure to join us for the first faculty senate meeting of 2005! Our discussion will focus on issues of interest to faculty and staff including our upcoming accreditation self-study project and assessment of student learning outcomes. As always, light refreshments will be served.

Fall Flex, August 2005

Analyzing SLO Assessment Results in Transfer and Basic Skills Programs

Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

A workshop in how to analyze the results of the core competency assessment activities and how to fill out the Assessment Analysis form. The focus will be on identifying the student issues and needs that emerge as a result of the assessment process. Required for transfer and basic skills departments in Instructional Planning for 2005, 2006 and 2007.

Department Meeting Time — Meetings for transfer and basic skills programs going through Instructional Planning in 2005, 2006, and 2007 to discuss assessment results. Departments should select their own meeting rooms.

Digesting Learning Outcomes

Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

This is a follow-up activity to “Chewing on Learning Outcomes.” Come hear how Cabrillo’s

SLO Assessment plan has been altered as a result of feedback from the college community.

SLO Assessment in Occupational Programs

Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

A workshop for Occupational Programs involved in Instructional Planning for 2005, 2006 and 2007. Our time will be spent reviewing the required assessment activities involved in Instructional Planning and checking in about how your program is doing in a) defining SLOs for all degrees and certificates offered and b) designing an assessment process and implementing it. The focus will be on identifying the student issues and needs that emerge as a result of the assessment process. Help will also be provided on how to fill out the required Assessment Forms.

Writing Student Learning Outcomes

Marcy Alancraig, Michael Mangin and Dave Schwartz

Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on Fiesta and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will teach the secrets of SLO writing such as how to distinguish an SLO from a course objective, the proper verbs to use and how to turn this new curriculum requirement into something both useful and fun.

CABT Department SLO/Instructional Planning Workshop

The CABT Department will meet to continue working on SLOs and Instructional Planning.

Rubric Writing

Marcy Alancraig and Susan Hoisington

Using a rubric that details precisely how you grade can make your correcting easier and less time-consuming. Plus, it has the added bonus of improving communication with students. Come learn how to write one — they work for any major assignment that is not a scantron test. Those faculty involved in assessment projects for Instructional Planning find that rubric writing is the one major, time-consuming piece of work they need to do. The goal of this workshop is for you to emerge with a complete rubric in hand (which is worth two in a bush).

Spring Flex, February 2006

Accreditation 2007

Our first gathering of everyone involved in Cabrillo’s Self-Study Report, co-chairs and team members! A brief general assembly (Woodstock without the mud) in the Forum followed by break-out meetings of section teams.

Michael Mangin and Renée Kilmer

Instructional Planning

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. This is a mandatory meeting for those faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring 2006: Early Childhood Education, Anthropology, Archaeology Technology, Culinary Arts, Business, Library, Photography, Physical Education, Physics, Political Science, Radiologic Technology, Horticulture, Dental Hygiene, Engineering, and Fire Technology.

Renée Kilmer

Get On Board the ARC

No, there isn’t a flood coming, but there’s accreditation. Come learn how you can participate in Cabrillo’s new Assessment Review Committee (ARC). Assessment reports from every corner of the college will be coming to this committee for review. The committee will be looking for campus-wide issues and organizing dialogue about them.

Rory O’Brien and Marcy Alancriag

Program Chair Meeting

Program Chairs will meet to discuss common issues, including SLO’s, evaluations, scheduling, and more.

Michele Rivard

CABT Embedded Assessments

CABT faculty will meet to update the department’s assessment process. Faculty will report on the SLO competencies measured, assessment tools, and assessment results. From this discussion faculty will determine the action required to improve student learning, prioritize these actions, and set timelines for implementation.

Steve Larson and Clayta Ross

Writing Student Learning Outcomes

Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on Fiesta and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will teach the secrets of SLO writing such as how to distinguish an SLO from a course objective, the proper verbs to use and how to turn this new curriculum requirement into something both useful and fun.

Rubric Writing

Marcy Alancraig and Susan Hoisington

Using a rubric that details precisely how you grade can make your correcting easier and less time-consuming. Plus, it has the added bonus of improving communication with students. Come learn how to write one — they work for any major assignment that is not a scantron test. Those faculty involved in assessment projects for Instructional Planning find that rubric writing is the one major, time-consuming piece of work they need to do. The goal of this workshop is for you to emerge with a complete rubric in hand (which is worth two in a bush).

Fall Flex, August 2006

Core 4: Truth or Dare

Marcy Alancraig and Rory O’Brien

As an institution, Cabrillo has promised the community that our AA graduates are able to communicate and think critically, and are globally aware and personally responsible. Is this actually true? Have our students mastered these four college competencies when they graduate? What about in your own classes? Does your curriculum demand this of them? This workshop is about what we really do at Cabrillo. Are we walking our talk? Activities include discussion, exercises, truth telling and daring about the core four and how well we’re actually doing teaching those skills. All attendees will receive a small gift for coming to this workshop.

Accreditation 2007

Michael Mangin and Renée Kilmer

Members of the Accreditation Teams will meet to review their section of the Self-Study. Now that the Standard Chairs, Renée, and Michael have compiled and edited the various reports, we have a “first complete draft” that teams will be able to review and discuss. Gather in the Forum and then break into team meetings. Food will be served!

Our Gang: Personal Responsibility in the Land of Sand, Sun, and Sea

Paul Harvell & Chuck Smith

This semester’s Our Gang activity will explore the core competency, Personal Responsibility. In treasure hunt style, this activity will venture off campus, so you will need transportation. We will meet at 1pm in front of the 400 building (parking lot E) to arrange possible car- pooling. Be prepared to walk outdoors, wear comfortable shoes, clothing, and plan to be gone for several hours. To participate, e-mail Chuck Smith prior to the start of the activity for instructions. (The first step is looking up his email address!)

Writing Student Learning Outcomes

Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on Fiesta and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will teach the secrets of SLO writing such as how to distinguish an SLO from a course objective, the proper verbs to use and how to turn this new curriculum requirement into something both useful and fun.

Program Chair Meeting

Program Chairs will meet to discuss common issues, including SLO’s, evaluations, scheduling, and more.

Michele Rivard

Rubric Writing

Using a rubric that details precisely how you grade can make your correcting easier and less time-consuming. Plus, it has the added bonus of improving communication with students. Come learn how to write one — they work for any major assignment that is not a Scantron test. Those faculty involved in assessment projects for Instructional Planning find that rubric writing is the one major, time-consuming piece of work they need to do. The goal of this workshop is for you to emerge with a complete rubric in hand (which is worth two in a bush).

Marcy Alancraig

Global Awareness as a Core Competency

Participants will learn how subjects taught in the area of Global Studies, History, Political Science, Geography, Economics and Women Studies support students in understanding global issues. All segments of the college are invited to attend as we discuss the ways to design SLOs that address Global Awareness.

Rosemary Brogan, Michael Mangin and Michael Pebworth

The Revolving Wheel of SLO Assessment in Occupational Programs

New accreditation standards require occupational programs to spend an extended amount of time traveling through Student Learning Outcomes country. This landscape has its own rotating seasons and the work required of you will change depending on where you are in the Instructional Planning process. This workshop will take all occupational program chairs on a journey to the land of SLOs and will teach you about Cabrillo’s required assessment activities. If you haven’t yet begun defining and assessing the SLOs for all your certificates and degrees, come learn how to do it. If your department has already started this process, this workshop will teach you how to implement those assessments and use them for your

Instructional Plan. And if you’ve completed Instructional Planning and thought you could forget about SLOs for a while, come learn what you should do next.

Rory O’Brien and Marcy Alancraig

What Teacher Trade Tricks do YOU use to Teach the Four Core Competencies?

This is an interactive workshop. We’re asking everyone who attends to bring a successful (or unsuccessful) teaching strategy that you have used in the past to teach one or more of the four core competencies. You may present it orally, pass around a hand out, or do a live teaching demonstration. Come even if you don’t want to present but simply soak up others’ ideas. Let teachers teach teachers!

Marcy Alancraig

Interweaving Critical Thinking and Information Competency into Your Courses

Come hear how your faculty colleagues interweave critical thinking and information competency into their courses. Faculty on the panel are from different disciplines (History, Nursing, Engineering, English, Engineering Technology). There will be time for questions and for sharing your own ideas.

David Sheftman, Chris Madsen, Karen Groppi, Gary Marcoccia, Topsy Smalley, and Michael Pebworth

The Revolving Wheel of SLO Assessment in Transfer and Basic Skills Programs

Student Learning Outcomes aren’t going away! Like the seasons, they are part of a revolving landscape that changes depending on where you are in the Instructional Planning process. This workshop is designed for all transfer and basic skills program chairs to take you through the seasons of Cabrillo’s required assessment activities. If you haven’t yet begun the assessment of the Core 4 college wide competencies, come learn how to do it. If your department has already started this process, this workshop will teach you how to analyze your results and use them for your Instructional Plan. And if you’ve completed Instructional Planning and thought you could forget about SLOs for a while, come learn hat you should do next.

Rory O’Brien and Marcy Alancraig

Spring Flex, February 2007

Accreditation Review

Renée Kilmer and Michael Mangin

Here is an opportunity for all section team members to review the most recent draft of the Self-Study. Teams may opt to stay in the Forum to discuss broad concerns or break into groups to review changes to the draft. All drafts will be posted on the Campus P Drive (VP Instruction - Accreditation), or you can request copies from Michael Mangin directly.

Instruction Program Planning

Renée Kilmer

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. This is a mandatory meeting for those faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring ’07: Small Business, Medical Assistant, Chemistry, Journalism, Communication Studies, Geology/Oceanography, Psychology, Music, Stroke Center, MESA, Fire Technology

CABT Department Embedded Assessments Review

Steve Larson and Clayta Ross

CABT instructors will present the course-embedded assessments that they completed in their classes during fall 2006. The description of the results of each assessment, any student needs and issues that were revealed in the process, and the steps needed to improve student performance will then be discussed by all faculty.

Rubie Make My Rubric Pretty

Skye Gentile

Rubrics can be pretty when you know how to create them. If you want hands-on experience creating a rubric for an assignment, please join. Please come prepared with the assignment in need of a beautiful ruby (virtual copies are best so you can manipulate as needed). All disciplines welcome!

SLO Transfer Programs

Rory O’Brien and Marcy Alancraig

Student Learning Outcomes aren’t going away! Like the seasons, they are part of a revolving landscape that changes depending on where you are in the Instructional Planning process. This workshop is designed for all transfer and basic skills program chairs to take you through the seasons of Cabrillo’s required assessment activities. If you haven’t yet begun the assessment of the Core 4 college wide competencies, come learn how to do it. If your department has already started this process, this workshop will teach you how to analyze your results and use them for your Instructional Plan. And if you’ve completed Instructional Planning and thought you could forget about SLOs for a while, come learn what you should do next.

Comm Faculty Speak SLO When Necessary

This internal workshop is designed for communication studies faculty. We will use this time to gather and discuss our findings using our student learning outcome, rubric, and evaluations for our Comm 1 informative speaking assignment. The data gathered at this meeting will be documented in spring.

Writing Student Learning Outcomes

Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on Fiesta and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will teach the secrets of SLO writing such as how to distinguish an SLO from a course objective, the proper verbs to use and how to turn this new curriculum requirement into something both useful and fun.

SLO Occupational Programs

Rory O’Brien and Marcy Alancraig

New accreditation standards require occupational programs to spend an extended amount of time traveling through Student Learning Outcomes country. This landscape has its own rotating seasons and the work required of you will change depending on where you are in the Instructional Planning process. This workshop will take all occupational program chairs on a journey to the land of SLOs and will teach you about Cabrillo’s required assessment activities. If you haven’t yet begun defining and assessing the SLOs for all your certificates and degrees, come learn how to do it. If your department has already started this process, this workshop will teach you how to implement those assessments and use them for your Instructional Plan. And if you’ve completed Instructional Planning and thought you could forget about SLOs for a while, come learn what you should do next.

Fall Flex, August 2007

Renée and Michael’s Excellent Adventure: A Celebration of the Accreditation Self-Study and the Core Four

Renée Kilmer, Michael Mangin, Rory O’Brien, and Marcy Alancraig

The Accreditation Self-Study is done! The Core Four and other SLO activities have been embedded into ongoing campus processes. Come to a light brunch to celebrate all that Cabrillo has accomplished with these two major campus efforts. As we munch on bagels and pat ourselves on the back, we’ll explore what we’ve learned over the past seven years of hard work and where we need to go from here.

How to Write an Student Learning Outcome

Michael Mangin, Dave Schwartz, and Marcy Alancraig

Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on Fiesta and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will teach the secrets of SLO writing such as how to distinguish an SLO from a course objective, the proper verbs to use, and how to turn this new curriculum requirement into something both useful and fun.

Instructional Planning

Renée Kilmer

At the spring 2007 flex week session, we discussed the current instructional planning process and discussed ways to modify the instructional planning process and timelines so that we can better serve the needs of faculty, helping them to plan better for the future of their programs. In this follow up session, we will continue the dialog and refine some of the most promising prospects for revising the planning process.

Writing Rubrics

Marcy Alancraig

Using a rubric that details precisely how you grade can make your correcting easier and less time-consuming. Plus, it has the added bonus of improving communication with students. Come learn how to write one — they work for any major assignment that is not a Scantron test. Those faculty involved in assessment projects for Instructional Planning find that rubric writing is the one major, time-consuming piece of work they need to do. The goal of this workshop is for you to emerge with a complete rubric in hand.

Spring Flex, February 2008

Instruction Program Planning

Renee Kilmer

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. This is a mandatory meeting for those faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring ’08: Astronomy, Biology, Criminal Justice, Philosophy, Reading, and Adaptive PE.

How to Write a Student Learning Outcome

Dave Schwartz, Michael Mangin, and Winnnie Baer

Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on CurricUNET and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will teach the secrets of SLO writing such as how to distinguish an SLO from a course objective, the proper verbs to use, and how to turn this new curriculum requirement into something both useful and fun.

Ruby Make My Rubric Pretty …

Skye Gentile

This seminar is designed as a “hands-on” workshop for individuals beginning to use rubrics as a method of assessing student learning. This event works best when colleagues from same the same departments attend together with “virtual” rubrics, or assignments that need rubrics. You can bring your questions, and craft your rubric on the spot!

Fall Flex, August 2008

Writing and Assessing Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)

Dave Schwartz, Michael Mangin, and Winnie Baer

Come learn how to write an SLO for courses on CurricUNET and for your syllabi. The SLO Subcommittee of the Curriculum Committee will present strategies for developing SLOs and sustaining the assessment process.

Spring Flex, February 2009

SLO and Easy: SLO Assessment—Tips, Tools & Techniques

Winnie Bear and Craig Hayward

Has your department or office defined Student Learning Outcomes for its courses and/or services? Have you developed a plan for assessing those outcomes? Have you begun assessing your SLOs as part of an ongoing planning process? If you answered “No” or “I don’t know” to any of these questions, then this workshop is designed for you. We will review these requirements of the new accreditation standards, show participants how to access online help, and off er strategies for implementing a meaningful SLO Assessment Cycle in your department or office.

Instructional Program Planning

Renee Kilmer

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. There is a mandatory meeting for those faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring 2009: CIS (Cisco Networking, System Administration, Database Management), Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Digital Media, Economics, Foreign Languages, Human Services, Math, Philosophy, Psychology, Real Estate, Studio Art, and Women’s Studies.

Fall Flex, August 2009

Student Learning Outcomes Assessment and Program Planning

Winnie Baer

This workshop is designed to help participants implement Student Learning Outcomes Assessment as required in the Program Planning process. Anyone with questions about what the requirements are, or how to meet them, should attend. Program Chairs are especially encouraged to attend or to send representatives from their departments. Also offered on Tuesday.

Spring Flex, February 2010

Instructional Program Planning

Renee Kilmer

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. There is a mandatory meeting for faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring 2010: English, Accounting & Finance, CABT, History, Athletics, Health Science, Nursing, Learning Skills, Construction & Energy Management, Engineering Technology, Dance, DMCP.

SLOs and Program Planning: Be Prepared!

Marcy Alancraig and Winnie Baer

This workshop is designed especially for Instructional programs two years away from presenting their program plans to the Council for Instructional Planning: Anthropology, Art History, Business, Culinary Arts, ECE, Engineering, ESL, Horticulture, Library, PE, Photography, Physics, Political Science, Radiologic Technology, Sociology, and Women’s Studies. We will review strategies for completing SLO Assessment tasks required for Instructional Program Planning, for establishing a regular process of assessment and dialogue within a program, and for making the process worthwhile. Though designed especially for these departments, the workshop is open to all.

Fall Flex, August 2010

It Takes a Mission to Run the Village: Giving Voice to Cabrillo’s Core Values

Renee Kilmer, Marcy Alancraig and Rory O'Brien

What do we value? What is the Cabrillo way? How do we describe our campus culture to the world? This workshop is a kick-off to our accreditation process, a gathering of minds to articulate our purpose as an institution. Join us in visioning the college of the next decade. We will use exercises and games to rewrite our mission statement.

Spring Flex , February 2011

Instructional Program Planning

Renee Kilmer

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. There is a mandatory meeting for faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring 2011: Political Science, Sociology, Women’s Studies, Human Services, Kinesiology, Medical Assistant, Library, Horticulture, Physics, Art History, Theatre Arts.

SLO’s and Program Planning: Be Prepared!

Marcy Alancraig and Rick Fillman

This workshop is designed especially for Instructional programs two years away from presenting their program plans to the Council for Instructional Planning: Business, ESL, Culinary Arts, ECE, Dental Hygiene, Stroke Center, Engineering, Music, Photography. We will review strategies for completing SLO Assessment tasks required for Instructional Program Planning, for establishing a regular process of assessment and dialogue within a program, and for making the process worthwhile. In addition, you’ll learn about how you can modify the student survey so your department can find out exactly what it needs to know from students and also learn what data requests you can make of the PRO office. Though designed especially for these departments, the workshop is open to all.

Assessing SLO’s in Math

Dan Morgli

Members of the math department will discuss their individual assessments of SLO’s from Fall 2010. We will identify which techniques and approaches are helping students achieve math success.

Achieving Cabrillo’s Mission

Rory O’Brien, Marcy Alancraig, Renee Kilmer

How does Cabrillo’s mission help students achieve their dreams? Its wording should articulate our purpose and goals, but be written so that students can understand how our college meets their academic needs. Last flex, a group met to review Cabrillo’s mission and to recommend whether or not it should be revised. Their analysis revealed that our current mission statement is attempting to serve a dual purpose. It is acting as both a vision and mission statement, which may not make it as effective as it could be. This flex we invite that group to meet again, and invite you to join us to brainstorm two different statements: mission and vision. We will be attempting to answer the question: Who we are? How do we help our students to succeed? Given that, what is our mission?

Fall Flex, August 2011

Accreditation Kickoff

Rory O’Brien and Renee Kilmer

Join us to help launch our next accreditation self-study. Between now and our site visit in fall of 2013 we will be forming teams, coordinating research work and writing our report. The self-study is always a great opportunity to learn more about Cabrillo and to help assess our success as an institution in meeting the ACCJC's Accreditation Standards. Find out more details at the workshop.

Assessing SLO's in Early Childhood Education

Jean Gallagher-Heil and Ofelia Garcia

Members of the Early Childhood Education department will work together to discuss their individual SLO assessments results from spring 2011. We will share various techniques and approaches identifying those that support student success in ECE courses.

Assessing (Something Great) Together: Assessing SLOs in Math

Dan Morgali.

Math Faculty will meet to assess SLO's. One SLO from each course will be assessed by individual faculty with the general results reported back to the entire department at the program meeting.

Spring Flex, February 2012

Accreditation Self-Evaluation Standard Teams Meeting

Renee Kilmer and Rory O"Brien

All are welcome to this session, especially members of the standard teams. Attendance is mandatory for all co-chairs. Whether you’re already serving on one of the Self-Evaluation Teams, or you’d like to find out more about the Accreditation Self-Evaluation project (and perhaps join a group this semester), plan on attending this informative workshop. In addition to going over the outlines that teams submitted last semester, there will be discussion of strategies for developing the first draft of the Self-Evaluation in spring 2012.

Make it Easy on Yourself: SLO Work for Program Chairs

Marcy Alancraig

Program Chairs are in charge of organizing and orchestrating the SLO process for their departments. This workshop is designed to be both global and local, presenting you with an overview of the SLO universe at Cabrillo and with specific details about the SLO tasks you must perform. The theme is how to accomplish it all with ease. Come to find out where you should be on the revolving wheel of assessment, how to easily organize those tasks and fill out the required forms.

Teaching, Learning, and Assessing SLO’s in Early Childhood Education

Jean Gallagher-Heil and Ofelia Garcia

We will share teaching techniques and approaches, and identify those that support student success in ECE courses. SLO assessment results from fall 2011 will be discussed. Members of the Early Childhood Education department are encouraged to bring a specific activity, presentation, or viewpoint they use in their classroom to share with other ECE faculty.

Instructional Program Planning

Renee Kilmer

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to your department. There is a mandatory meeting for faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring 2012: Business, English as a Second Language (ESL), Culinary Arts, Early Childhood Education (ECE), Geography and Meteorology, Radiologic Technology, Stroke Center, Education Centers, Engineering, Dental Hygiene, Music, and Photography.

SLO’s and Program Planning—Be Prepared!

Marcy Alancraig and Rick Fillman

This workshop is designed especially for Instructional programs two years away from presenting their program plans to the Council for Instructional Planning: Psychology, Communication Studies, Chemistry, Geology/Oceanography, Honors, Articulation, and MESA. We will review strategies for completing SLO Assessment tasks required for Instructional Program Planning, for establishing a regular process of assessment and dialogue within a program, and for making the process worthwhile. In addition, you’ll learn how you can modify the student survey so your department can find out exactly what it needs to know from students and also learn what data requests you can make of the PRO office. Though designed especially for these departments, the workshop is open to all.

Assess Locally, Think Globally: Assessing SLOs in Math

Dan Morgali

Math Faculty will meet to assess SLOs. One SLO from each course will be assessed by individual faculty with the general results reported back to the entire department at the program meeting.

Art Photography SLO Assessment and Preparation for Program Planning

Gordan Hammer and Susan Hoisington

Members of the Art Photography Department will discuss their individual assessments of SLOs from Fall 2011. We will share various techniques and approaches identifying those that support student success in Art Photography courses.

Culture Connection: Global Awareness and World Languages

Nancy Stucker and Meredith Babbe

As language and culture are inextricably bound, an awareness and understanding of culture is essential to language study. How do teachers of a foreign language effectively expose their students to the practices and perspectives of a given culture? How do we integrate culture into our face-to-face classes and online language lab? The focus of this workshop is to share our ideas, methodology, and materials for teaching culture. Workshop participants are invited to bring a favorite classroom or lab activity that focuses on culture

Fall Flex, August 2012

Accreditation 2013 Fall Flex Meeting

Renée Kilmer and Rory O'Brien

Join us for our first accreditation meeting of the fall semester. Participants will discuss the second drafts of our Accreditation Self-Evaluation and develop strategies for completing the last phase of our project. This meeting is mandatory for co-chairs, but important for all team members and any others interested in learning more about the accreditation process.

Make SLOs Easy on Yourself Part II: Tools for Program Chairs

Marcy Alancraig

Sometimes just organizing the SLO work for your department can seem overwhelming. This workshop will present some new tools that program chairs can use to help to keep track of what needs to be assessed and who needs to do it. In addition, several Program Chairs will share the tricks they’ve come up with for involving part time faculty, holding SLO meetings, and organizing the paper work.

Working the SLO Wheel: Reading Instruction in the Composition Classroom

Adele Najarro and Marcy Alancraig

Come share how students analyze, evaluate, and articulate responses to readings in the composition classroom. The English department will assess the “reading” SLOs for the composition sequence: 255, 100, 1A, 1AMC, 1AH, 1AMCH, 1B, 1BMC, 2, 2MC, 2H, 2MCH, 1C. How well are students commenting on ideas and writing strategies presented in the texts they encounter? Are they evaluating logical reasoning and argument? Are they demonstrating close readings of these texts? How successful are students in your composition classes in regards to the “reading” SLO? Let’s share and learn from each other!

Assessing Math SLOs

Dan Morgali

We will finish assessing the Math SLOs and discuss improvements to individual SLOs and the assessment process.

Library 10 SLO & Course Status Review

All Library 10 librarians

The Library 10 librarians will gather to review the results of our L10 SLO, tracked by all during Spring 2012. We will also review any other L10-related changes since Spring 2012.

Core 4 Inspirations: Meeting Across Disciplines

Marcy Alancraig and the SLO Assessment Review Committee

What have you learned about teaching and learning from assessing the four college core competencies? How is your teaching different? Because we share our results within our departments, we have not had a chance to discuss what is learned about communication, critical thinking, global awareness and personal responsibility and professional development across many disciplines. This workshop is an opportunity to be inspired by the work of your colleagues in other departments and to share your own findings. Please bring a specific assignment, pre and post test or sample questions that you’ve used to measure one of the Core 4 and be ready to share what that assessment taught you.

Spring Flex, February 2013

History Department SLOs

The History Department

The History department will meet to continue discussions of SLOs, and how to improve teaching.

CIS/CS SLO Assessment

Sue Nerton

CIS and CS Faculty will discuss SLO Assessment completed Fall 2012. The analysis of these assessments will be the workshop outcome along with review of SLO Assessments for Spring 2013.

Accreditation Co-Chairs Meeting

Rory O’Brien and Rachel Mayo

We are finally holding our last accreditation co-chairs’ meeting for the 2013 Self-Evaluation project! We will be discussing last minute details with regard to each of the standards final drafts and talk about plans for the vetting process for the document this spring. Be sure to invite any and all of your team members to join us to brainstorm on ways to make our report the best ever.

Departments Trade Tricks: Sharing What We’ve Learned from SLO Assessment

Marcy Alancraig and the SLO Assessment Review Committee

One of Cabrillo’s longstanding flex week traditions is “Teachers Trade Tricks,” a frequently offered workshop that provides Cabrillo faculty with an opportunity to share best practices and issues in their classrooms. This workshop expands that old idea to entire departments, giving us a chance to share the discoveries that have been illuminated through SLO assessment. Bring one example of something that works or doesn’t work that your department has learned from assessing course or certificate SLOs or the Core 4. What kinds of dialogue have you had about it? Has it changed anything in your teaching or how your department operates? How might other departments benefit from the wisdom of your group?

Instructional Program Planning

The Council of Instructional Planning

Programs beginning the instructional planning process this spring will meet to review the process and obtain planning data specific to their department. There is a mandatory meeting for faculty whose programs are beginning the instructional planning process in spring 2013: Communication Studies, Chemistry, Engineering, Geography/Meteorology, Geology/Oceanography, and MESA.

Assessing SLO’s in Culinary Arts

Eric Carter

Culinary Arts faculty should bring their SLO assessments to this flex activity. We will discuss assessment results, and how they inform us to improve our teaching and our students’ success

Social Networking for Program Chairs: Friending Small Departments

Marcy Alancraig

The work of a program chair is time-consuming and can be demanding, especially when undertaking SLO Assessment. This can be even more difficult if you are the chair of a smaller department or one with few full-time faculty to help you with the work. This workshop provides PCs with an opportunity to network with other chairs, sharing the methods used to accomplish all of the PC work. We will particularly focus on SLO assessment: following the Revolving Wheel, organizing tasks, filling out paperwork and dealing with departmental faculty. Since we will be networking and being social, snacks will be provided.

Early Childhood Education and the Revolving Wheel of SLO Assessment

Jean Gallagher-Heil

We will begin anew the process of assessing the Early Childhood Education Program’s SLOs, and have the rare and rich opportunity to share successes and challenges of our teaching.

SLO’s and Program Planning—Be Prepared!

Marcy Alancraig and Rick Filllman

This workshop is designed especially for Instructional programs two years away from presenting their program plans to the Council for Instructional Planning: Journalism, Reading, Criminal Justice, Fire Technology, Psychology, Astronomy, and Biology. We will review strategies for completing SLO Assessment tasks required for Instructional Program Planning, for establishing a regular process of assessment and dialogue within a program, and for making the process worthwhile. In addition, you’ll learn how you can modify the student survey so your department can find out exactly what it needs to know from students and also learn what data requests you can make of the PRO office. Though designed especially for these departments, the workshop is open to all.

Assessing Communication in Math

Dan Morgali

Join us as we assess Comprehensive Core Competency l, Communication. Communication in math requires that information is received and conveyed in words, symbolically and graphically. Application problems across the curriculum require students to read critically. Some classes (for example, Math 12 Elementary Statistics) involve extensive written responses. We will discuss what is working, what can be improved, and how to keep the former while addressing the latter.

Fall Flex, August 2013

The Accreditors are Coming, The Accreditors are Coming!

Kristin Fabos, Rachel Mayo, and Rory O’Brien

It happens once every six years, and from October 14–17, Cabrillo will receive a visit from its Accreditation Team. A group of individuals representing the ACCJC will review our Self–Evaluation and spend a few days on campus reviewing our processes and procedures. During this session, we’ll give you an overview of what to expect during the Accreditation Site Visit. You’ll learn who’s coming to campus, and how to prepare for their visit, as well as what to do if they want to meet with you! So consider this your call to action, the “one if by land, two if by sea” signal lantern to put you on alert and be as ready as you can be.