College Core Competencies

"Core Four"

Upon completion of Cabrillo College’s General Education program or when receiving an AA or AS degree, a student will demonstrate competency in the following areas:

I. Communication

Students will communicate effectively, which means the ability to:

A. Read:

  • Comprehend and interpret various types of written information in (1) prose and in (2) documentation, such as manuals and graphs.

B. Write:

  • Communicate thoughts, ideas, information, and messages in writing.
  • Compose and create documents, such as: letters, reports, memoranda, manuals and graphs with correct grammar, spelling, punctuation, and appropriate language, style, and format.
  • Check, edit, and revise written work for correct information, appropriate emphasis, form, style, and grammar.

C. Listen:

  • Receive, attend to, interpret, and respond appropriately to (1) verbal and/or (2) nonverbal messages.

D. Speak and/or Converse:

  • Organize ideas and communicate verbal, or non-verbal messages .appropriate to the audience and the situation.
  • Participate in conversations, discussions, and group activities.
  • Speak clearly and ask questions.

II. Critical Thinking and Information Competency

Students will think critically, which is characterized by the ability to:

A. Analyze:

  • Apply rules and principles to new situations.
  • Discover rules and apply them to solve problems.
  • Use logic to draw conclusions from information given.
  • Differentiate between facts, influences, assumptions, and conclusions.

B. Compute :

  • Use basic numerical concepts, such as: whole numbers, percentages, estimates of math without a calculator.
  • Use tables, graphs, charts, and diagrams to explain concepts or ideas.
  • Use basic geometrical shapes, such as: lines, angles, shapes, and space.

C. Research:

  • Identify the need for information and data.
  • Obtain data from various sources.
  • Organize, process, and maintain records of the information collected.
  • Analyze the information for relevance and accuracy.
  • Synthesize, evaluate and communicate the results.
  • Determine which technology resources will produce the desired results.
  • Use current technology to acquire, organize, analyze, and communicate information.

D. Solve Problems:

  • Recognize whether a problem exists.
  • Identify components of the problem or issue.
  • Create a plan of action to resolve the issue.
  • Monitor, evaluate, and revise when necessary.

III. Global Awareness

Students will demonstrate a measurable understanding of the world including its:

A. Scientific Processes

  • The Scientific Method: Apply scientific processes to solve problems and measure and observe natural phenomena.
  • Scientific Observation: Design, perform and analyze experiments and scientific observations.
  • Interconnectivity: Analyze the major differences and connections between social, natural and physical sciences

B. Global Systems and Civics

  • Cultural: Interface with people from a variety of backgrounds and analyze different cultural beliefs and behaviors.
  • Political, Social and Economic: Recognize important economic and political issues and values in one’s own community, state, country and the world.
  • Environmental: Analyze the importance of the natural environment to human well being and the impact of human activity on the well being of global environmental systems.
  • Integrated Systems: Assess and analyze the interconnectivity between social, political, economic, and ecological systems and activities.
  • Action: Develop and evaluate strategies and plans for addressing global systems and civics issues.

C. Artistic Variety

  • Arts awareness: Assess the visual arts, dance, music and literature of one or many cultures.
  • Critical Analysis: Analyze the methods used to create art and interpret its literal and/or symbolic meaning.
  • Creativity: Engage in artistic creative endeavors.

IV. Personal Responsibility and Professional Development

Students will demonstrate:

A. Self Awareness:

  • Accurately assess his/her own knowledge, skills, and abilities.
  • Self-motivate and set realistic goals.
  • Accept that taking feedback well is important to success.
  • Respond appropriately to challenging situations.

B. Social and Physical Wellness

  • Manage personal health and well being.
  • Demonstrate appropriate social skills in group settings.

C. Workplace Skills:

  • Be dependable, reliable, and accountable.
  • Meet deadlines and complete tasks.
  • Maintain a professional attitude.
  • Work as a productive member of a team.