Welcome to 24-25

It's a great day to be an Eagle!

Debby Tanigawa 



Special Education Resource Teacher/Department Chair    

Japanese Exchange Program Co-Sponsor

I started teaching at Broomfield High School in the fall of 1998 and previously taught at Gateway High School in Aurora.  I currently support students in Algebra 1, LA 9 and LA 10 in addition to having two  Learning Labs. Learning Lab classes are designed to support students with academic, social and emotional needs as well as to progress monitor their IEP goals. In addition to assisting students with their class assignments, students learn to organize information and prepare for assessments. Students may also access various IEP accommodations and modifications. My job satisfaction comes from working with students for four years and watching them mature into responsible, young adults who can advocate for their academic needs which helps set them up to be successful after high school!

In addition to my teaching responsibilities, I co-sponsor the BVSD Japanese Exchange Program where students from Boulder Valley have an opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture and language for 6 weeks. The BVSD students travel to Tokyo every even-numbered year and students from Tokyo visit BVSD schools in the odd-numbered years. It is a once-in-a-lifetime experience! This program celebrated it's 50th Anniversary partnership with BVSD in 2017!

I am a Boulder native and love Colorado!  Raising kids in Broomfield reminds me of growing up in South Boulder where there was a great feeling of community and neighborhood. After attending Kohl and BHMS, my kids graduated from Broomfield. My son graduated in 2016 and my daughter in 2022. I am grateful to be part of the Broomfield High School community! 

Period 1:  Plan - Room 842

Period 2:  Algebra 1 - Room 414

Period 3:  LA 10 - Room 1126

Period 4:  LA 9 - Room 923

Period 5:  Learning Lab - Room 853

Period 6:  Plan - Room 842

Period 7:  Learning Lab - Room 853