Willkommen! German at Broomfield High School

Lisa Guthrie

German Teacher, Broomfield High School

Contact email: lisa.guthrie@bvsd.org    

Click the poster to see why you should take German!

Period 1:German 1

Period 2:German 1

Period 3:German 2

Period 4:Off

Period 5:German 3/3Adv/AP

Period 6:Study Hall

Period 7:Off

Willkommen! I have been teaching German at Broomfield High School since 2012 and am very excited to return this year. 

Teaching German is a true passion of mine. While earning my degree in Business Economics and German Language and Literature at UC Santa Barbara, I was fortunate to spend a year abroad at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, Germany. While studying there, I developed a true love of the German language and culture. After working in the accounting industry and teaching multiple subjects throughout the years, I am so happy to be back teaching German.

Broomfield offers German 1-5AP, with advanced weighted class options at level 3, 4 and 5AP. After completing three years, students can choose to take the 5AP course and the AP exam. We also have a German Honor Society and German Club, as well as offer a track to the Seal of Biliteracy! 

I am so glad you have chosen German as your language. Please feel free to email me anytime you have any questions or concerns.